Pick up lines (Lance x reader)

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"Do you have a name? Or can i call you mine?" Lance said, walking behind you ask you walked to the lounge.  

You rolled your E/C orbs. "Lance, I am yours. We're dating." You stated.

"Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got FINE written all over you." He said, smiling. You groaned. 

He does this all the time, especially when he wants attention. Such as hugs, cuddles, your cute giggles, or kisses on the cheek. Today you just weren't in the mood for his junk.

"Are you a magician? Cause whenever I look at you, everyone disappears." 

"Lance." You groaned again, walking faster. 

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you got a pretty sweet ass." You could practically feel him smirking. 

You finally arrived at the lounge, you walked in the to see everyone there. Hunk, Keith, Shiro, Pidge, Allura, and Coran. 

Everyone turned to see you sitting down on the couch. You rested your elbows on your knees and put your head in your hands, rubbing your temples with two fingers.

"Do you have a Band-Aid? Cause I scraped my knee falling for you." Lance said. You could hear him holding back a laugh. 

Everyone laughed and you fell back onto the back of the couch.

"How do you remember these pick-up lines? You have the brain capacity of a paper airplane." You said, closing your eyes. 

Lance made a sound like he was hurt by your words but then he laughed. You opened your eyes to see Lance hovering over you. He leaned down for a kiss but you moved away. He looked at you confused.

    "I thought you would've caught on by now. I don't want to be all mushy and in love today. I'm not in the mood, Lance." You said, crossing your arms and taking a sassy stance. Lance only smirked as he walked up to you. 

"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber." He whispered, his smirk growing bigger. You groaned and walked away from him. You heard snickers from around the room. 

"Aw c'mon babe. You know you love me." You stopped dead in your tracks. He was baiting you. You didn't usually say "I love you" a lot. It wasn't that kind of mushy relationship where the couple does is, is say "I love you" and feed each other and give each other Eskimo kisses. You mentally shuddered. You turned around, a fire in your E/C orbs. 

"Yeah, you're right. I do love you." You said. He smiled as walked closer to you again. That was the wrong thing to say. 

"Prove it." He challenged. 

"No," you said sternly. He reached for your hand but you smacked his hand away. He brought his hand up to chest level and rubbed the pain away. He reached for you again but you backed away. He continued to do that until you backed up against the wall. 

"Nowhere to go." He said, placing his hands on either side of your head. His bright blue eyes were clouded with lust. You smirked. 

"I wouldn't be so sure." For a moment, a spark of fear entered his eyes, but it went away as quickly as it came. You locked one leg around his and twisted, making lose his balance. He fell and you stepped over him, walking back to the couch. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. 

    "Y/N, why would you do that me? Your one and only love?" He said, fake pouting. You rolled your eyes as you sat on the couch. 

"For one, I said I wasn't in the mood and you still continued, so you deserved that. And for two, stop being such a wuss and get over it." Everyone "Ooh" ed as you just burned Lance. 

"But-but," Lance complained. You've had enough. You stood up and stomped over to Lance you were still on the ground, receiving some wide-eyed stares from the other paladins. 

"Y/N, look-" Lance started but you cut him off by leaning down and grabbing his face, crushing your lips on his. His eyes widened in shock as you kissed him. His eyes closed as he relaxed into the kiss. You heard the paladins make gagging sounds. 

"Get a room you two," Keith said. You pulled away. 

"Shut it, Keith. You're just jealous." You said looking at him and smirking. You laughed as Keith opened his mouth to speak but then closed when he realized he had no comeback and if you two got in a fight, you'd win. You looked back at Lance to see him blushing madly and staring at the ceiling. For a moment, you could've sworn his pupils were heart shaped.

Hey guys! I know that this one was a little shorter but I still hope you liked it! I'll try to update as soon as I can but I have school this week and may not be able to update as much. Also if you have any ideas, they are always welcome!

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