Pidge x Keith (Fever)

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WOOHOO GUYS!! Thank ya'll so much for 100K reads!! I know I haven't updated in a while. I haven't had much inspiration but here's a chapter I've been (trying) to work on for a while. 


Pidge had been working a lot more lately. She would constantly be locked up in her lion's hangar working on decoding something from the Galra on the Altean ship or working upgrades for her lion or..well anything really. Anything away from the others. 

When she was out of the hangar, however, she was quiet. She wouldn't ramble on about her work or something she found. She had become an introverted workaholic. Of course, she always worked hard but this amount of working was just plain unnatural.

Everyone was worried about her and tried to get to her but she simply shakes her head, offers a small smile and locks herself up in a room for the rest of the day. 

Keith was especially worried. He had taken a liking to the small green paladin and because of that, he had become increasingly more caring. Towards her, at least. He and Lance still had a rivalry going on but because their concern for Pidge, their arguing has lessened. 

Keith was in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, pondering. He was debating whether he should go and check on her or leave her alone to figure it out. He wanted so badly to help her but because of his lack of people skills, he was worried about saying something wrong and pushing her away. 

As if on cue, Shiro walked in. Keith looked up. Shiro sighed and sat down beside him. 

"I know you're worried about her," Shiro said in a soft tone. Keith nodded, looking down at his hands. He wasn't sure what to do and it was driving him crazy because he wanted so bad to help her. "Maybe you should go talk to her?" Shiro offered, placing his left hand on Keith's shoulder. 

"But you guys have already tried that. She won't want to talk to me and I don't know what to say!" Keith protested. 

"I'm socially awkward," He mumbled after. Actually, awkward doesn't even begin to explain my social standing, he thought to himself. 

"Say what you've wanted to say to her then. From your heart, Keith." Shiro patted Keith's chest before smiling then walking out. 

Keith watched as he walked out, a ghost of a smile oh his lips. 

Keith stood up and walked out too. 

He was going to talk to a certain small member of the team. 


When Keith got there, Pidge was on the floor. She was half under her desk but her legs weren't moving. As far as that goes, none of her was moving. 

Keith cautiously crept over to where she was, careful as to not make a sound. He didn't want to startle her and ruin her work. 

"Pidge?" Keith said softly, gently touching her knee. She didn't stir nor make a sound. Kieth tilted his head. Something was off. "Pidge?" He asked again. No response. 

Keith grabbed Pidge's ankles and dragged her out from under the desk. She was surprisingly light so Keith didn't have to work hard to get her out. 

He knelt down beside her torso and shook her shoulders lightly. "Pidge."

She gasped and sat up, almost hitting Keith in the head with hers. She stared at her lap, sweat dripping from her face. 

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