Desperate for Comfort (Galra! Keith x Reader)

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I am obsessed with Galra Keith. Whoops.
You were walking down the hall to your room with a white towel wrapped around your neck.
You had just gotten done training and boy did everything hurt. You were a train-oholic and often overworked yourself. That led to you being bed ridden and sore for at least 2 days.
Thats something you and Keith both shared.
You got to your room and locked the door behind you. You turned on the light and rushed to your bathroom as you were in desperate need of a shower. You were covered a sticky film of sweat from head to toe.
You peeled off your clothes and hoped into the shower, not waiting for the temperature to adjust. You let the cool water run down your back and cool you off.
God, it felt good.
It seemed like forever till you turned off the water. You needed that. You had always been tense. You rolled your shoulders, feeling the sore muscles relax.
You walked up to the mirror. It was fogged up with steam from your shower. You wiped a strip with your palm. The fog disappeared and was replaced by tiny droplets of water. You dried yourself off with your towel before towel drying your hair. You brushed through the damp tangled mess and let it hang lightly off of your shoulders, leaving it to air dry.
You wrapped the towel around your body and opened the door to your room. Walking out of your en-suite, you immediately eyed your dresser, which had your clothes.
Only, you were distracted by the soft sound of shuffling.
"Who's there?" You asked into the darkness of your room. "Why the hell is my light off?" You mumbled yourself. "I could've sworn I turned it on.."
You walked over to the wall with your light switch, still clinging onto your towel. Its dampness made you shiver even though the ship was warm.
You took a look around your room. Your bed sheets were still a tangled mess as you didn't bother to make your bed. Your phone lay on the side table next to your bed. You never really used it much. There was no wifi here on the ship and no where to plug it in if it died. Pidge was working on that. The only thing you used it for was music or looking at old pictures from earth.
Remembering earth made your eyes sting. You shook your head, knocking the thought of earth aside. You turned around and continued on your journey to your dresser. You dug through the drawers until you found a pair of black leggings and a loose white tank top with dark red decals.
You slipped on your leggings and a sports bra before the shuffling started up again. Then, your lights turned off, leaving you an your room in the dark.
"Dammit." You cursed.
You grabbed your knife which was laying on your dresser and crept towards the sound, holding it up threateningly.
"Come out!" You demanded. Your veins were pumping adrenaline throughout your body. On your bed, you could make out the shape of a body. You tell it was a man by its lack of curves and bulky figure.
"Who are you?" You asked them, gripping the handle of your knife tighter.
A low growl emitted from the creature. You lunged at it, holding up your knife. A large hand caught your wrist, stopping the knife from hitting them. With their other hand, they ripped it out of your hand and threw it across the room.
You wriggled out its grasp and reached over to your bedside table, switched on the lamp. You turned back to the creature only to come face to face with a purple faced, yellow eyed galra.
You opened your mouth to scream but the galra clamped a hand over your mouth.
"Please don't scream. Its hurts my ears." He said. His voice was low and just above a whisper. You found a strange familiarity in his voice, like you knew it somehow. You gripped his wrist with both of your hands and nodded, squinting your eyes to try and get a better look and the strange man.
He let go of your mouth and sat back on his heels on the bed. You looked him up and down. He was barefoot. His feet kind of looked like a lions back feet only purple, furrier and with black claws.
He was wearing red plaid pajama pants with a white tank top. You gasped.
"Keith?" You asked, recognizing him. You looked at his face. He had the same features only more galra like. His skin was purple and his eyes were yellow. He had a dark purple mullet and purple furry ears sitting on top of his head.
He made a sound which sounded like a mix between a grunt and a purr.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, stretching. You could see he was distracted by something. You followed his line of vision down to your chest. You were still only wearing a sports bra. You blushed and got off of the bed, walking over to where you dropped your tank top. You slipped it on and turned back to Keith.
He was still staring at you. His eyes were on your face and his face had a slight tint of red.
"You still have yet to answer my question." You smirked, laughing lightly.
"I got lonely in my room. Its dark and quiet. I needed comfort." He said softly, looking down at his hands.
"Oh. Well, how do you want me to help?" You asked nervously. You had a crush on the red paladin.
"Will you...uh..will you, sleep with me tonight?" He asked, shifting his eyes over to you. You stood, wide eyed and shocked.
"Um...sure." You said. You had dreamed of cuddling with him since you met him.
You walked over to the bed and sat down, leaning against your pillow with your feet behind his back. He looked at you curiously.
You smiled and patted the space next to you, signaling for him to lay down.
He smiled and lied down, snuggling into you. He rested his head on your shoulder and threw an arm over your abdomen. His legs were entangled with yours.
You smiled as he transformed back into his human form. His galran form was a bit bigger than his human form.
You played with his hair and started to sing.
"The day we met
Frozen I held my breath
Right from the start"
You felt him start to relax. The arm he wrapped around your abdomen held you tighter.
"I knew I place for my heart
Beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when i'm afraid to fall?"
He nuzzled his face deeper into your neck. You felt his warm breath on your neck, making your breath hitch a bit but you kept singing as you knew it was calming him.
"But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer"
You felt his other arm wrap around your back and meet the other one. He intertwined his fingers together, making a warm, protective cage around you, keeping you there. As if I'm going to leave, you thought.
"I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I've loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more"
You heard the steadying of his warm breath as he started to fall asleep. You smiled at him, even though he couldn't see it.
"Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave"
You could tell he was asleep. He was completely relaxed, his legs entangled with yours, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck and his steady breathing which you could feel on your neck.
"I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this."
You yawned and wrapped an arm around him as you fell asleep in his arms. You kissed his forehead lovingly.
"I love you." You whispered.

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