Lost and Found (Shiro x Reader)

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You ignored Shiro and held him tighter, burying your face deeper into his neck. He laughed softly and hugged you back.
"Come on, Y/N. I don't have all day. My team is waiting." Shiro said through his laughter. He has a mission to complete and its of the highest importance. Its one of those highly dangerous missions, well to you, that doesn't have a time limit. You hummed in annoyance against his neck.
"I know." You mumbled. "Just...please come back. To me." You said, holding back tears. Shiro gripped your shoulders and pulled you away from him.
"Y/N, you know I will. You are my everything. I will come back. I promise." Shiro said, cupping your cheek with his hand and bending down to look into your beautiful E/C orbs. You leaned into his warm palm and looked into his dark grey orbs.
He leaned in and pressed his lips you yours. You hooked your arms around his neck and he placed his hands at your hips. You tilted your head to deepen the already passionate kiss. Shiro lifted you up to his level. You kissed each other like it was the last time you'd ever lock lips. It might as well be. Shiro set you down gently and broke the kiss.
"I love you, Y/N." Shiro whispered in your ear.
"I love you, too, Shiro." You said kissing his cheek.
"Come on, son!" Dr. Holt yelled to Shiro. It was time to go. Shiro pecked your lips once more before leaving. You waved him goodbye as he drove away
Missing. Presumed dead. Search continues. Pilot error. Crashed.
Those words repeated themselves over and over in your head, haunting you. No, it can't be. It wasn't pilot error. Shiro was an excellent pilot, presumably the best. He couldn't have crashed. It was impossible. You sat on the living room floor, sobs racking your body.
No. no no no no. Shiro can't be dead. "You promised. You promised, Shiro. Damn you." You whispered through your sobs. Tears streamed down your cheeks, sticking your messy hair to your face, running down your neck, and soaking the rim of your shirt. You heard the phone ring, over and over. It rang, never stopping. And you never answered. Even if you wanted to answer, you she two good reasons not to. 1) You were too weak to even stand. 2) You doubted you could even talk from all the sobbing.
Hours turned to days. Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Months turned into a year. No sign of Shiro. Of course, there wouldn't be. The government called the search off a month into it. It was old news, nobody even remembered it. You felt empty but you never gave up hope, for a chance that he was still alive. That he would come back to you.
Then, something crashed onto earth. It was a pod. You immediately thought of Shiro. He could be in that pod. Without hesitation, you grabbed your helmet and keys, your hover vehicle was waiting for you on the rocky driveway. You ran outside, your thudding against the packed dirt. You jumped onto your hover bike and raced to the crash site. Once you got there you were surprised to see someone else arriving as explosions went off in the distance, drawing away the guards. He had a dark mullet and had half his face covered by a bandana. You parked your hover bike against another rock. You saw 3 more kids rush in and groaned. One was short and had honey brown hair with a large pack back. Another was wearing a green jacket and blue jeans. He had short brown hair and nicely toned skin. The last was chubby and wore a fearful expression on his face. 
You followed closely behind them. You gasped when you saw Shiro being supported by two young boys. Shiro had changed. Instead of black bangs, white bangs now hung over his forehead and he had a large pink scar running across his nose. The most surprising change was the fact that his right arm was replaced by a prosthetic.
"Shiro." You whispered to yourself as you ran over to him.
"Woah woah, who are you?" The boy with the short brown hair asked. You simply pushed him away from Shiro and slung Shiro's arm across your shoulder.
"Hey!-" The latino boy protested but you cut him off with a glare. If looks could kill, yours would've killed him on the spot.
He held his hands up in surrender."Ok,ok.no need to get your pan-"
"Do NOT finish that sentence." You growled at him. The other three kids snickered behind you. You rushed to the mullets hover bike and helped Shiro onto it. You ran to your own. You left together, out running the Garrison vehicles.
You stood outside with your earbuds in,looking at a picture of Shiro and you together in the park. Thats where he took you on your first date. Shiro was inside, sleeping on the couch. He was still passed out fro the knock out drug the scientists had given him. Warm tears ran down your cheeks and you wiped them away. Shiro was back. He was finally back after a year. You continued to stare at the picture. You didn't hear the door to the cabin open or close.
You jumped when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. You ripped your earbuds out and threw them onto the ground and turned around to see Shiro. Without a second thought,you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into his neck. He had a stronger build and looked different but he was still Shiro.Your Shiro. Fresh tears ran down your cheeks.you didn't bother to wipe them away. His arms were wrapped around your waist. You felt small compared to him.
"You are back for me." Shiro whispered in your ear, his voice cracking. He was crying. You pulled away and cupped his cheeks with your hands, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. He turned his face and kissed your palm.
"I always will. No matter what." You whispered, smiling. He looked into E/C orbs for a moment before smashing his lips onto yours. You melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. Its been too long without kissing him. He applied more pressure, eager for you as you were for him. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him. With one hand you tugged on his hair. He groaned giants your lips in pleasure. You pulled away, both of you gasping for breath. You looked up at him and smiled,rushing his bags out of his eyes.
"I missed you more than you could've imagined." He said, sincerity filling his voice.
"I missed you too." You said, kissing him again.

Hey guys! Im sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. School😒
Anyways, the next chapter should be out soon!

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