You're All I Have Left (Shiro x Keith)

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Family. Keith has never had a family. He never really thought about it either. He was so used to being alone that he thought he was always alone. He thought he stood on his own. Even with his new found friends thanks to the gathering of Voltron, he never really considered his friends to be family. especially not when he told them he was part Galra. He thought for sure that they would ditch him and leave him for dead or at least shame him. But no, they kept him and made compromises. Even Allura set aside her hate for the Galran race for Keith to be included in their non-biological family. For once, he wasn't seen as an outcast, or some boy who dropped out of the garrison or the weird emo boy. He was seen as a family member, a brother, a role model, a friend, even a lover.

Speaking of love and family, Keith considers Shiro to be more than a brother or a father figure as the others see him. Shiro was the first person to believe in Keith and he couldn't thank Shiro enough. He didn't know what to do to make sure Shiro knew just how much Keith appreciated him..and loved him. Thats right, Keith loves Shiro. He has since the day they first met. Love at first sight.

When Shiro disappeared after his mission to Kerberos, Keith was hellbent on finding him. He had to. Shiro was the first person to be his friend, to be there for him when he needed it the most. And most of all, Shiro was Keith's fist love and everyone knows that the first love is the most important to someone. And in this case, it was the priority that exceeded any other to Keith. He would find Shiro and bring him back if it was the last thing he did.

Then, Keith got him back. It was the best day of his life. Well, when he first saw Shiro. The day was mostly ruined when he met three obnoxious other teenagers from the Garrison. Keith specifically remembered Lance, his rival. Figures, doesn't it? It figures that Keith would be partners in crime with Lance on a remarkable journey to save the universe from the Galra. If someone told him a year ago that he would fall in love, befriend Lance, save the universe from an evil purple cat race with five multicolored lions that formed into a giant robot, he would've laughed in their face and tell them to stop doing drugs and get professional help from an insane asylum.

But the whole thing didn't faze him. He wasn't even scared or the least bit frightened. There was no way to feel that way when he had Shiro by his side. All that mattered was that he had Shiro. He didn't care if Shiro didn't feel the same way about him, he just wanted Shiro to be there with him along the way. Thats all that mattered to the raven haired boy.

When Shiro and him were stranded on that planet after the corrupted wormhole jump, their relationship was truly put to the test. Keith's heart sank when Shiro told him to lead Voltron. He realized that Shiro was giving up. Shiro, the strong leader everyone looked up to, the man that was seemingly unfazed by death, was fazed by death. His injury had lead him to believe that he wouldn't make it. It lead it to make irrational decisions like deciding Keith was going to lead Voltron.

He pleaded with Shiro to stop believing something would happen to him. He pleaded to him to stop being irrational and keep himself up with his chin held high. The brave leader of Voltron is not going down because of a scratch, even if it is a poisoned glowing galran wound given to him by none other than Haggar.

But sure enough, something did happen to Shiro. He went missing yet again. But this time was different, at least to Keith. Something inside of Keith broke and his tough exterior came crashing down. His heart shattered and he sobbed. For hours and hours, he would sit in the pilots chair of the black lion and cry. He would scream at Shiro, hoping to god that Shiro would come back or magically appear in front of him.

Keith wouldn't come out and nothing anyone did could get him out. Keith wouldn't eat, despite his protesting stomach. And he wouldn't stop crying. He would only stop when he slept and even then, he had nightmares and got sleep in 45 minute increments. He was sleep deprived, starting and hurting beyond belief. More than he ever thought possible. More than any human being would think possible.

"Please, Shiro, please. Come back. Come back to me. You're all I have left." He would pray every day. He would say this over an over again in hopes Shiro would hear and come back. But no matter how hard Keith tried, Shiro never came. Keith convinced himself that Shiro would never come.

Keith would never get to hear Shiro laugh again.

Keith would never see Shiro smile again.

Keith would never get to hug Shiro again.

Keith would never get to simply hear Shiro's voice again.

But most of all, Keith would never get to tell Shiro how he felt about him. And that fact alone sent Keith further into a world of darkness, despair, lost hope and depression.

"You're all I have left."

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