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Hibari groaned.He looked at the clock.

6.00 a.m.The school started at 8 a.m but he always arrived earlier so he can find any troublemaker who dare to vandalism his beloved school.

He get up and walked toward bathroom.He went to bath bla bla bla.(i'm not bother to tell you everything about what he do in the toilet😏)

After finishing his daily routine,he went to the kitchen while wearing his usual attire.Black jacket and a white shirt with an armband pinned on the right sleeve.

"Good morning,Kyo-san" Kusakabe greeted him with a sly grin on his face.Hibari quirked his eyebrow."What are you doing here?"Why suddenly Kusakabe came this early?He never did that before.

"Ah,I'm here to make a breakfast"Hibari turned his head" I don't need it and you know it,right"

"Of course I am,sir" Hibari looked at him with a question mark on his head."I'm here to make Ryota breakfast"

Oh,that's the reason.Hibari's eyes twitch.

"What?Are you his mother or what?"he felt annoyed"You think I'm not able to take care the little runt by my own?"

Of course he can.It not like he care about that boy but Kusakabe acted like he can't do a simple job by giving the boy food."I can cook by my own"Kusakabe flinched heard that.

"Um,Kyo-san" Kusakabe didn't know where to start.

"Don't you remember what happened that day"Hibari stunned.That day.That horrible day.

The day where Kusakabe wasn't there to make him food and Hibari was to lazy to go out buy a food.

The day he decided to cook.It just a simple dished but he end up blown the kitchen.He hated that embarrasing day when Kusakabe went home and struggled to hold his laughter.

Hibari'eyes were hidden behind his bang causing the other man to gulp,fearing for what he had done.

He shouldn't make him remembered about that.Hibari sighed."Fine,do whatever you want.I'm going first"he turned away to the front door before Kusakabe stopped him.

"Kyo-san,I just want to ask either Ryota can stayed here for a few more days?" Kusakabe able to say that eventhough he stuttering a few words.He didn't dare to meet Hibari's eyes.

Before Hibari can answer it,a voice interupted their conversation.

"I'm sorry,sir" they looked toward the voice owner.Ryota peek from behind his room door and said"I'm promise I wouldn't trouble you so,p-please l-let me st-stay here for a few days"

Hibari crossed his arms.Who said anything about chased him away?Not me of course.

Hibari looked at the duo.Put Kusakabe aside.Ryota looked at him with his big teary dark brown eyes and flush chubby cheeks.Ugh,his weak spot,not that he will admit it.He just can't say no to that beautiful and cute eyes and of course,he wouldn't admit that too.

Hibari though for awhile "Okay,I will let you stayed here"

It not like I will chase you away when you don't have any place to go.Yes,Hibari not that cruel.Kusakabe grin while Ryota beamed at him

"But..."they looked at each other.But?
" need to do the house chores"Kusakabe face palm at the condition.Are you kidding me?!How can a kid do the house chores?!

Ryota nodded furiously"Yes,I will do the house chore so you don't need to worry,sir"he smiled sweetly.Hibari stared at him and he stared back.

I'm just kidding.Hibari though and walked away.He already late eventhough the school will started in an hour.

Ryota looked at his retreating body.N-now I got an idol.Hibari-san is too cool.If only I can be like him.Ryota though with a sad eyes.But of course I can't.


"There only 2 minutes left before the school start.I'm glad we made it in time" said the brunette with a defying gravity hair to his two bestfriends.

"It's all your fault,yakyu baka!"bark a certain self proclaim right handman to the baseball lover.

"Hahaha"who just laughed without a care in the world.

"What should I do,Gokudera?The dog was too cute,I can't resist it"Yamamoto said cheerfully.

Well,on the way to school they found a black dog which is digging in the trash when suddenly Yamamoto unintentionally stepped on its tail.So,they ran around the town for almost 30 minutes while being chased by the said doggy...

"Cute you say?!" Again Gokudera bark

" tried to kill us,baka!"Yamamoto raised his hand in defense while laughing again ignoring the fact that he being insulted.

"Calm down,Gokudera-kun"Tsuna step between the two to prevent Gokudera from launched a punch toward Yamamoto." We do not get hurt,right?"

And suddenly Gokudera turned to puppy mode.Tsuna swore he saw a tail and dog ear on Gokudera who accepted everything Tsuna said.

"Tsuna right,Gokudera.We didn't get bite in the first place and we made just in time to school,so don't worry"Yamamoto patted Gokudera shoulder who slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me,stupid.I don't want to get your stupidity" and he get back to his normal self.

Tsuna sighed watching their antics when suddenly he felt a murderous aura nearby.

"Why are you crowding aroud?You should already be in class now" Oh no.Why fated hate me.Tsuna slowly turned back and he knew he in trouble.

Hibari Kyoya standing right behind him."What did you said,huh?"Gokudera growled to him."How dare you being rude to jyudaime?!Jyudaime can come to school whenever he want,you asshole!"Hibari eyes narrowed.

He took out his tonfas and get ready to punch Gokudera on the face when Tsuna and Yamamoto hurriedly drag Gokudera away into the building."We gotta go,Hibari-san"Tsuna shouted before fading inside the school.

"Humph,weak herbivore"suddenly he heard his school song.He took out his phone and looked at the screen.Incoming call fron Tetsuya.

" What is it?"he said after answer the call."Kyo-san,in the south part there was a newly group who tried to againts us.Me and the other members are going to deal with them.Are you coming,Kyo-san?"

"No,I don't want to waste my energy and time fighting with those weaklings.Settle them"

"Yes,Kyo-san.Ah,before that.I'm very gladly if you can make dinner or buy a food for Ryota because I don't think I will get to come over your house.And please replace the bandanges on his wounds and also......" Hibari off the phone.What an annoying herbivore.Does he think I can't do the simplest thing.Huh,stupid.

Bandages?Wounds?What bandanges and wounds?I never seen it before.Maybe because his whole body drown in that 'too big shirt' of mine.Hibari walked into his office while thinking of what he should do with that boy.

It not that hard to take care of him right?He looks like an obedient kid.Do I have to buy food for him?Huh,how troublesome.

"You look trouble,Hibari" small voice made it appereance behind Hibari.A certain infant wore a black suit and a fedora with green chameleon on it smile at him knowingly.

Hibari raised his eyebrow.Trouble?"What are you doing here?Wanna spare?"he said with a pair of tonfas beside him.

"Hmm,save it for now,Hibari" Reborn turned his back to him."Looks like you have something important to do at home"he smirk and add "The boy gained my interest ya know"

Hibari eyes wide.The boy gained his interest?What does Ryota have and how does the infant know?This is so troublesome.

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now