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Reborn said that the CEDEF found out where the enemy hideout.And as he thought,the Corvino is the culprit.

And now,12 am,here they are.Standing in front of run out building that look like it gonna collapsed any time.

Tsuna took a deep breath and calm himself saying that everything is going to be alright.

Tsuna and the gang walked into the building with cautious.Hibari at the back while Tsuna at the front.Tsuna felt like crying not because scared but because the pain he get from Hibari who hit him on the head with his tonfa because took so long to ready himself.(Poor Tsuna T-T)

"Kyuhuhuhu" a creepy yet weird sound appeared from nowhere.They look at their surrounding but found nothing.Tsuna shivering all over his body.

Suddenly their surrounding began dark.All they could see is pitch black.

Mukuro said in a low voice"Illusion"

When they heard that,they reached for their weapon.Tsuna and Reborn in the front.Yamamoto and Gokudera both at the right and left.Chrome at the centre of them while Mukuro and Hibari at the back.Ryohei in front of Gokudera while holding Lambo who whining about how dark this place is.

"Who are you?" Tsuna said in a dangerous voice.He look at a certain part in the darkness and they heard chuckle.Tension air surrounding them.

Then,a man in black suit with a white hat came out.Half of his face hidden behind black mask.They can see his grin that showed all of his teeth.

"Welcome,Vongola.It's a pleasure to have you as our visitor,kyuhuhu" the man bow to them"I am Corvino nono.Nice to meet you Vongola Decimo"

"Nono?You ninth?" Tsuna asked in bewildered.

"Kyuhuhu,just because we exist a bit late than Vongola doesn't mean that we weaker that you" he hissed the last word make Tsuna flinched.

"Tch,what do you want huh?!Get us out from your stupid illusion,now" Gokudera growled beside Tsuna.They lack of oxygen.

He knew it.This illusion is like a box that only a small amount of oxygen here.If they late,they will die due lack of oxygen.

"Kyuhuhu,however I can't.Ya'know,we know how smooth you are Vongola" the man snickered."You not going to do anything if you didn't want this boy die here"

Hibari tensed.Boy?He mean...

The man snap his finger and suddenly Ryota appear out of nowhere.They look shocked.Really shocked.Why would they do this to him?

Ryota's body full of scar and wound.Blood still oozing from the wound.His right cheek swollen.The man walked to Ryota and pull him by his hair.Ryota whimpered.

Hibari growled and launched toward the man.But before he could do anything the man pointed his gun to Ryota's neck.

"Take a step forward and I gonna pull this trigger and bang" Corvino Nono grin ear to ear.He knew he gonna win.Just need a little push .

"Let him go" Hibari said slowly.Mukuro look at Chrome and they started a conversation in their mind.

'Mukuro-sama,this illusion is to strong.I can't do anything'Chrome look down at her feet ashamed of herself.

Mukuro patted her head
'Don't worry.I 'm gonna find a way out'

Mukuro look at the right and left.Nothing.Only darkness he could see.Yamamoto look at Gokudera who look clueless.

"What are you looking for,Mukuro?"Ryohei whisper to him.Shockingly.

" I'm trying to find a weak spot of this illusion"

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now