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Ryota woke up from his futon and found out that Hibari was not there.He remember he and Hibari went to a festival.Met a weird girl who said bad thing about his brother and watched fireworks.Then,he didn't remember anything after he pass out.

He rub his eyes and stood up weakly.He walked to the kitchen knowing that Hibari was there prepared for breakfast.Ryota still wearing his yellow pyjama while hug his red big teddy bear that he won at the festival yesterday.

When he arrived to the kitchen,he saw Hibari were in his usual attire and an.....apron.Hibari look at him and he stared back before flashes a big cute smile.

"Good morning,oniisan" he ran to Hibari who kneel down and hug him."Good morning.Have you brushed your teeth?"Hibari picked him up and make Ryota sat on the counter.

Ryota nodded."Oniisan,can I eat now?"he asked cutely."You need to take bath first"Hibari answer with a deadpanned face.Ryota pouted.

"Mou,but I'm hungry.I'll take a bath after eating" Ryota make a cute face with a pink chubby cheeks and a big doll eyes and flapping his hands around and were followed by Hibird who flapping it's wings.

Hibari hate himself for being to weak.

"Fine,now sit on the chair" Ryota squealed happily and do as he asked for while waiting for food.And....

He touch the burn crispy bread with peanut butter on it.Half of the the bread burn with black bitter taste on it.He look at Hibari and gaped.

Hibari eat the burning bread with ease.Ryota chuckle.He can see a tinge of pink on Hibari's cheek.He try hard to make a breakfast for him eventhough he knew he wasn't born for cooking but at least he try.

Ryota picked the bread and eat it happily.Somehow,it does taste sweet.Ryota though.After eating,he dress up for school.


Timeskip.After school.

"Ryota,where are your brother?" Azuya asked the little boy.
"He still at school.I'm going home by myself because Tetsu-nii not at home right now"he replied.

" Then,I should go by now.See ya.Be carefull,okay.I heard a rumour about kidnapper around here"Azuya ran while wave to Ryota.

It's only 5 in the evening.Today,he got back earlier.Every Monday ,the school finished early than usual.

Usually,Tetsuya or Hibari will fetched him but today he make a brave decision to go home by his own much to Hibari  disapproved.

But,Ryota managed to make Hibari agree.(Cute puppy eyes and a pouted.Hibari felt for it)

Ryota walked and walked.But then,he stop.He turn around nervously.He got a feeling someone were following him.There no one here.

There no way a kidnapper who following him right now,right?The words Azuya said back there echoed through his head.

He hugged his back and ran as fast as he could.He just follow his legs and ended up in front of Namimori highschool.

Haru look around her frantically.She search for someone.

"Hahi,where is Ryota go?He such a good runner" she said with a sad voice.

"Namimori highschool?Ah,I know this place.Kyoya-onisan had said something about his school.He must be around here.I should tell him about what happened earlier" Ryota talked to himself.

He enter the building and saw many students.They were wandering around the corridor.

Ryota walked slowly in the crowding.That make everyone look at him.They stared at him and cooing

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now