Chapter 9: Let's do it

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(Perrie's POV)

I woke up In a bed with tubes and wires all around me, am I In a hosptial? "Hello? Anyone?" I yell out, soon enough a nurse walks in "Miss Edwards your awake!, how are you feelling?" I clear my throat and sit up abit "fine, just alittle thirsty, where are my friends?" I look around not seeeing them present "There's water next to your desk, I'll go tell the doctor to get your friends" I nodded as she walked out, Jessus I hope I wasn't In a seventy year coma, I don't feel old, My ribs feel very sore...did I break them? I had bandages over them, I hope whatever happen heals fast, I don't wanna be In a hopstial bed the whole half of the tour, Ugh I should be worried about myself but here I am thinking about the fans, I'm sure they'll understand, they always do.

"PERRIE!!" I was pulled out of my thoughts as my three best friends bursted Into room, I smile at them as they rush towards me "Ello lovelies" I say in a funny accent "Pez we were so worried as soon as the doctor told us you were awake we bolted down the hallway" Leigh replied out of breath, "Guys I feel fine, I just need to heal, so what exactly happend? I was drivng and then everthing went black" they all looked at each and then looked at me "Well pez you were hit, luckily no was one was killed, we were literally freaking out when we saw the news" My eyes widened "I'm on the news!?" they all nodded, well this is going to be everywhere in the media now.

(Leigh-anne's POV)

Well Perrie was okay and that's all that mattered, I looked over at Jade just to catch her staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes, I already knew what she was thinking "By the way pez we have something to tell you" I took Jade's hand and she smiled at me "Me and Jade are-" before I could finish my she squealed "I knew it! I just knew you'd guys would end up together!" we laughed (A/N Just a random note, I'm listening to glory days while writing this XD) We were so happy that our friends were so supportive of us "Well thank you for letting me finish my sentence" I said laughing, "Well honestly I kinda figured you'd two would end up together" she said grinning, me and Jade looked at each other "Were we that obvious?" Perrie and Jesy nodded, damn I hadn't really thought if Perrie or Jes noticed it or not, I had just been focused on Jade, honestly now that I can call her mine I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I just hope the fans are as supportive as my band mates.

"I'm hungry" Perrie states out of no where, we all chuckle "Why am not surprised?" She rolls her eyes and sits back into the bed "I'll go check with the doctor to see if you can eat yet, untill then drink some water" I say, she groans and takes a sip, I shake my head and head for the door, I feel someone's hand grab mine "Mind if I tag along?" I look back to see my beautiful girlfriend staring at me "Well of course you can ma lady" she giggles and I intertwine our fingers.

After a moment of silence Jade speaks up "So when do you wanna tell people?" She asks, I start to think, how would people react? I mean our fans used to ship Jerrie all the time but Perrie and Jade have never had an attraction towards each other, maybe they could ship me and Jade? What would it be? Jeigh? Lade? Leighade? Ooooh I like that one, Leighade it is, "Maybe as of right now we'll keep it to ourselves, make sure Perrie recovers well and then we'll tell everyone, but we still have to run it by management" we both sigh, god knows what they'll do when we tell them, hopefully they won't try to break us up or anything.

"Let's worry about that later babe, all that matters is that I got you, and the girls" she says planting a soft kiss on my lips, I could never get tired of this, I pull her closer and she wraps her arms around my waist, licking my bottom lip, I let her in and our tongues collide making Jade moan slightly, after air is needed we pull away "I can definitely get used to that" I comment making her giggle "Me too, now let's find the doctor before Perrie Kills us" we both chuckle and continue down the hospital hallway.

(Jade's POV)
How could I not have noticed it before how Leigh felt about me? I was just so caught up with Sam to ever notice, now that she's mine I feel like I've been missing out on something for so long, speaking of which "Hey babe? How long have you felt this way about me?" I ask, she looks at me "Few months now Jade, I tried to push the feelings away but it never worked" she chuckles "I thought I would never have you to be honest" I squeeze her hand "Well you got me now" I smile at her and she smiles back, I feel like these are gonna be the glory days for us soon. (Ha! See what I did there? Wink wink, god I'm so corny XD.)


~6 weeks later~

(Leigh-anne's POV)
Time has passed and Perrie was officially released from the hospital, the stories in the media died down and everything was going back to normal, sadly we had to push back the tour due to catching up on rehearsals, luckily the fans understood. Anyway we were in rehearsal and I couldn't keep my eyes off Jade, the only ones who knew we were dating were Pez and Jesy, we still hadn't told anyone else, so In public we had to keep our love a secret, which sucked to be honest but we both understood why, still It annoyed me not being able to kiss my own girlfriend in public, hopefully soon we can start telling people, just need to find the right time.

Anyway we had just finished rehearsing "Grown" and everyone was exhausted "When the fans see this their going to lose their shit" Jesy says in a Scottish accent, we all laugh "This tour is gonna be awesome!" Jade exclaimed, such a cutie. We all packed up and headed to the car, I take Jade's hand, she looks at me "What? 'Best friends' are allowed to hold hands" I say using quotation marks, she chuckles and interwines our fingers.

"I have an idea babe" she says getting into the car "What is it love?" We all look at her "Well what if we came out during tour? You know on stage?" Me and the girls look at each other "I don't know baba that's pretty big, are you sure?" Perrie asks, I look at her "I'm okay with that, I mean screw management, I want people to know your mine" I kiss the back of her hand and she smiles, Jesy grins "I say we do it, what about you Pez?" she laughs "Screw it let's do it!" We all cheer and laugh as the driver takes off, I feel like this tour is gonna be the best one yet.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! PEACE!

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