Chapter 9

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~
*A few days

I had been calling Brad for the past few days ever since the kiss. I really don't know how to feel about the kiss. I mean I didn't hate it but I didn't like it at all! I felt really disgusted. Maybe he just wasn't the right person. You're meant to enjoy a kiss right? But maybe I was just caught by surprise so it wasn't as good. 

Maybe? I kept asking myself but no just kept replaying in the back of my head. I have been kissed by other guys before and felt the same way as I am now. Maybe..just maybe I don't like guys? I shock all the thoughts away for now and got back to worrying about Brad. I mean I haven't seen him at school. He's probably laying low to avoid me. I need to know why he kissed me. Does he feel that way about me? I know I definitely don't feel that way about him.

I just don't know what to think. I need the answers because I really want to keep this friendship. But if he feels that way about me then everything might be awkward between us and that wouldn't be great. When something like that happens then the two friends start to drift and talk less and then they don't speak to each other at all. Almost as though they don't exist to each other anymore.

I definitely don't want that for Brad and I. I just want a non awkward friendship. That's all. I don't want a relationship. Maybe of we wouldn't have to kiss, that would be the perfect relationship. A non kissing relationship. But I know that can never be the case for a relationship. That's why we can't have one. Only a friendship.

I started getting a headache from thinking about it too much. Maybe I should ask Rosie for advice. Yes, yes I should! I got my phone out and went to the wattpad app and went to our messages.

@DayumDemi: Hey Rosie...can I maybe..uh..ask you for advice?

I sent to Rosie. I was really hesitant about sending it. I didn't want to bother her.

@ddlovatic: What's up Ash! Sure thing! Shoot away!

Rosie replied almost instantly. I laughed a bit at her reply. Typical response from her.

@DayumDemi: Well this guy...uh kissed me the other day and I keep calling him but he won't answer. I'm really getting worried about him. I haven't seen him at school either. I don't know what to do. Also I didn't really like the kiss either. I kinda felt disgusted and I didn't hate it but didn't like it at all. Other guys have kissed me before and I've felt this way. I don't know what to think or do! 

I sent to her. I shouldn't be bothering her with my problems. But I really have no one else to talk to. I mean I have my mum but who really talks to their mum about this sort of thing? If I told her how I felt when guys kissed me then she might hate me. But she's meant to love me no matter what, she's my mum. But it's also not a perfect world. Everything comes with consequences but I can't help how I feel.

I was drawn out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing. Indicating that I had gotten a message. Obviously from Rosie considering she was the only person I was talking to.

@ddlovatic: Okay well first I think you should call him once more and if he doesn't pick up or if he doesn't want to talk about it then you should give him some space and a few more days to think about it. He could be in a really difficult position and a really weird mind space right now. Also secondly maybe you just don't like guys. Maybe you like girls instead? But maybe it's only a suggestion. I understand how you feel. I feel the same way when a guy kisses me. I've figured out that I only like girls so maybe that's the same with you. If it is then you shouldn't be ashamed with how you feel, it is perfectly normal. I really hope this helps! Sorry if it doesn't.

She replied with that. It really made me think about myself that way. I guess that I could sort of see it now. I've always been way more attracted to girls, I just always pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. But wait...she said she understands. So I could ask her things if I get confused. At least I know she won't judge me or she won't stop being my friend.

@DayumDemi: Thank you so much for that. It helped a lot and I'll call him once more. But thank you again I've just been feeling really confused and I'm glad that I know that you would never judge me and I feel as though now I can trust you more. Thank you again!! I'm really sorry for bothering you with this. It's probably just silly but you helped anyway! Thanks!

I sent her back that. I just was shocked that she could relate. I think I'm the same as her. I'm highly sure that I like girls and not guys. I'm still pretty confused but a tiny bit less at the moment.

@ddlovatic: It really is no problem! I'm glad that I can help people and that people can relate to me. I'm always here for you if you want to ask more questions. You haven't bothered me at all. I really like talking to you!

@DayumDemi: Really? Well thank you again. You are such a kind person. You're like Demi in a lot of ways! I really like talking to you as well.

After that we kept talking for about an hour. It wasn't that late probably around 7:30pm. I had school tomorrow but I don't really care. I like talking to Rosie. She helped me get my mind off things. I also learned that her mum's name is Dianna and her step father's name is Eddie. 

Hey! That's exactly the same as Demi...maybe it's just a coincidence. Yeah that's all it has to be why would Demi waste her time on here talking to me? Anyway I shook it off and got my phone. This was the last time I am going to call Brad. If he doesn't pick up then he can choose the next time we speak or see each other. The ball will be in his court.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. It rang a couple of times and when I was about to give up he picked up.

"Hey Ash. Can you come over? I need to talk to you..." He said. I wondered what was going on...

Brad's P.O.V.~

She kept on calling but I couldn't answer. If I did then she would want to know why I kissed her. I can't tell her. She will hate me if I were to tell her. That's why I ran off. I can't face her. I cant tell her. I've been skipping school just so I wouldn't have her come up to me and demand answers. But maybe she won't hate me. Maybe she will understand, but I doubt she would. She seems to be the kind of person who wouldn't judge anyone.

I saw my phone light up and I knew it was Ashley. I hesitantly picked up the phone. I should tell her right? I don't know, I'll most likely lose a friend but you never know if you never try. Ugh I should but not over the phone has to be face to face.

"Hey Ash. Can you come over? I need to talk to you..." I said as I answered the phone.

"Uh..yeah sure. What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Um...nothing drastic. Just..uh..need to talk to you face to face." I replied to her. I'm pretty sure I was not convincing in any way at all just then.

"Okay...I'll be there soon." She said not being convinced by what I had just said.

Ash hung up the phone.This is it. I actually have to tell someone. Maybe it'll help. Get things off my chest. The main thing I have to remember is to not be scared to tell her even though I haven't known her that long I feel as though I can really trust her.

As much as I try I can't seem to get any less worried, scared and nervous. I was pulled out of my thoughts as the door bell rang. I slowly walked down the stairs but not too slow got to make sure I get there before my parents do.

I get to the door, open it to reveal Ash standing right before me. This is it...


Chapter 9 is now done!
Sorry it took awhile to write and it is really bad and shorter than normal.
It's just hard to write with school back and getting heaps and heaps of homework Dx
I really hope that you enjoy it and I'll try and write another chapter over the weekend.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Thank you for reading!
Stay Cool =P

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now