Chapter 10

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

I hung the phone up and even though Brad had told me it was nothing to worry about I was still worrying about him. You would to if he doesn't show up to school and doesn't answer your calls and finally does then tells you not to worry. Oh Brad you have to learn I'm your friend so of course I'm going to worry.

Anyway I quickly got my shoes on and ran down the stairs. I called out to my mum saying that I was going out and ran out the door before mum could question me. I Basically ran all the way down the street for 5 minutes straight until I got to the front door of Brad's house.

I have been here a few times before but I was nervous now. I was now coming to his house after he had kissed me then avoided me. I have no idea what will happen. What will he tell me. Will everything be the same after today. I really hope everything stays the same. He really is a great friend to have and I can trust him even after not knowing him for that long. It was the same with Rosie.

I really want to met Rosie it would be awesome! We would have the greatest time! I would show her all around here, the best shops to go to and the best places to hang out at. It would be great. I realised I was drawn into my thoughts and quickly got out of them remembering that I was standing at the door yet to knock on it.

I got over my nervousness and knocked on the door. I patiently waited for someone to open the door. I really really hope Brad opens the door. I'm always kind of awkward to other peoples parents. I don't know why I just am. After a few minutes I was starting to get impatient. I heard someone come down the stairs and then a few seconds later the door was opened.

I came face to face with Brad for the first time since the audition. He looked so nervous and it just made me worry more. He wasn't moving just standing there staring at me like he hadn't been expecting me. But he was since he called me.

"Hey..are you going to let me in?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry Ash." He replied stepping out of the way to let me through.

I walked through the door and shut it behind me. Brad walked up the stairs to his room so I followed him making sure I wasn't caught by his mum. I saw her car here when I was out front before. We got to his room and I went and sat on his bed like I normally do and he shut his door. I have to admit I did get a little nervous but I just shook it off.

He sat on his little spinny chair that I absolutely love! I know I'm such a kid! I waited for him to talk. It took a few minutes before he finally started to talk.

"So Ash I have to tell you something and it's important. You don't have to say anything just listen. Please?" He asked still looking really nervous and hesitant like he was going to chicken out any second.

"Okay I'll listen. Sometimes that's all you need. Someone to listen to you. Anyway talk away." I said back to him.

"Okay...well...uh...well the thing that I have to tell you that's important links to the reason why I...uh...kissed you the other day." He said stuttering. I was actually happy that I was finally going to find out the reason even if it took forever for him to tell me.

"Well I-I kiss...I figured out that...when I kissed you I had no attraction to you while i kissed you. I have...uh k-kissed a lot of girls and I figured out'm....." He said trailing off towards the end.

"Your...what?..." I asked kind of scared.

Brad was actually kind of scaring me but when he told me that he has no attraction towards me made me undeniably happy on the inside I was trying so hard not to show it on the outside. I had to stay civil so I didn't make him feel like it was a mistake to tell me whatever it was he is going to tell me.

"I-I-I''m gay..." He finally said.

Wow. I really didn't see that one coming. I would never have guessed that in a million years. But if that's who he is than it's cool. I won't think of him as any less and I will definitely want to still be friends with him. No wonder he was so nervous about telling me. I noticed that he started looking sad and like he regretted telling me just then but I haven't really said a word since I guess.

"I'll understand if you d-d-don't want t-to be my f-friend anymore and if you h-h-hate me. I'll understand." He said.

Damn I should've just replied straight away. I could never hate him.

"Wait. I'll never hate you. To be honest it was a shock I just never would've guessed. BUT that doesn't mean I'm going to think any less of you. I still want to be your friend and I'll be by your side all the way because that's what friends do for each other. Don't be ashamed about this. It's who you are and you can't change who you are. You are still just as amazing, kind, perfect friend that I had before. Just because you told me doesn't change who I knew before, I just know more about you now. Which I'm happy about! But I'll never hate you." I told him, it all came from my heart..

I noticed that he had started crying a heap so I pulled him in for a hug.

"Hey..hey..please don't cry. You'll make me cry." I said.

I didn't want him to cry. I swear I was close to tears just watching him cry. After a while is cries slowly turned into quiet whimpers and he started to talk.

"Thanks Ash. I r-r-really mean it. I d-d-don't know what I-I w-would've done if you s-stopped being my f-f-friend. Thank you." He told me and I knew it came from his heart.

I just wanted him to be happy. I didn't want to leave his side tonight so I was thinking that I could ask him if I could stay. Yeah I'll definitely do that.

"Hey what would you say if I stayed the night?" I asked him and he smiled a bit.

~Brad's P.O.V~

I can't believe I told her and worse was that I cried! C'mon Brad man up! I don't know. I just couldn't hold it in I was scared that she would hate me and wouldn't want to be my friend but then when she said all that she said I just lost it. She was so sweet and kind. Just simply amazing.

She pulled me into a tight embrace until I had calmed down. I am so thankful to have a friend like Ashley. She didn't judge me and she wanted to stay friends. I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders but I'm definitely not going to tell anyone else though. I probably wouldn't have told Ashley if I hadn't of kissed her.

But the time will come for me to tell them. I just don't see the point in them knowing until I actually have a boyfriend. When I had calmed down, Ashley suggested that she stayed the night and I knew we would have fun so it instantly made me happy and I smiled a little bit.

It was now an hour later and we were in my room. We had built a little fort where we could still see the tv. We had obviously put a mattress down so we were comfy and could sleep in the fort. We had a heap of blankets, pillows, food which was mostly coloured popcorn and a heap of lollies and chocolates. I got Ashley to pick a movie and she chose to watch 'We're The Millers'. 

We both were in the fort, watching the movie and mucking around with the popcorn.

"Ash try to get it in." Yelled at her and pointed to my mouth indicating for her to throw the popcorn in my mouth.

She threw the popcorn and it hit my forehead and bounced off and landed nearly Ashley. We were both laughing as she threw another one. I wasn't ready for it but it went straight into my mouth.

"SCORE!!" She shouted and we both laughed.

At one point we both probably looked like dying seals. We were laughing that hard! I don't even know what was so funny but it was great hanging out with Ashley. She definitely took my mind off everything for now.

We had just calmed down from our laughing fit and realised that the movie had finished.

"Wow. Did that movie go fast or was it my imagination?" I said to her and she laughed.

"Definitely your imagination. Can't you see it's still going? I can't believe you thought it was finished!" She said while laughing.

"Oh shut up." I said trying to be serious but she ended up throwing popcorn at me so I ended up laughing again.

We went into another laughing fit. If someone walked in then they would think that we were crazy. After we calmed down, again, she yawned and I said we should go to sleep and she agreed so we both layed down in our fort and fell asleep not long after we turned everything off.

But I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting. Blame school for that!
Next chapter will fast forward a few months and some Demi and Ashley interaction!
Meaning Brad won't be in here for that much in the future chapters!

But I'm still so sorry for taking so longgg!!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter though!! :)

Thanks for reading!
Stay Cool =P

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now