Chapter 23

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~Demi's P.O.V.~

I woke up the next morning after the party. It was great seeing people I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't see Ash much though. Especially after our time in the bedroom. I was kind of hurt after that but I have to remember that she's only 16. I love her and I'll wait.

I looked at the time and saw it was midday which meant I should probably get up. I walked out of my room and it was way too quiet for Marissa to be here but I looked around in each of the rooms and she wasn't there. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and saw a note.

Dear Dems,
I'm out with Ash today. Should be home around 4pm. In the microwave you will find bacon, eggs and pancakes. Enjoy.xx

Aw how sweet is she. She made me breakfast! My best friend's better than your best friend. I went to the microwave and got the food out. Surprisingly the food was still warm so it means that she didn't leave that long ago to meet Ash.

Ash. She left before saying bye to me last night. Did something happen? I saw Ciara went into the room not long after. Maybe something happened between them. But she would've told me right?  Unless there is something going on between them and she's keeping it from me. No she isn't I know she isn't. If something was happening between them then Ciara would've told someone, she can never keep her big mouth shut about anything.

Ugh why do I have to constantly fight myself over this all the time. I shouldn't be so insecure, but I think it's because we have to keep it a secret and I'm just scared she won't want to be a secret anymore and go off with someone who they don't have to keep it a secret. Or maybe I need a relationship where I can feel secure with myself. I'm only driving myself crazy with this relationship.

But I love Ash. I really do. And I really want to stay in a relationship with her but it's just my stupid mind that tells me otherwise at the moment. Right now I need to stick with my heart and what my heart wants because that's what I truly want. I want her. Ash.

I shook out of my thoughts and realised I had eaten all of my breakfast. I got up and washed my plate, dried it and put it away. Today was going to be a long day if I were already bored. Normally I would call Ash to come over or hang out with Mar but they are both out together.

I then remembered Nick telling me him and his brothers were in Australia for whatever reason he didn't tell me. Maybe he can help me with organising my World Tour.

I got my phone and called Nick. It rang twice before he answered.

"Hello?" Nick answered as he accepted the phone call.

"Hey Nick!" I said back to him.

"Oh hey Dems, what's up?" Nick asked.

"I was just wondering if you would like to help me organise my World Tour?" I asked Nick hoping he would say yes.

"Of course, I would be more than happy to help you." Yes! Nick said he would and now I don't have to worry much about it cause I know it'll be awesome.

"Thank you so much Nick! I'll meet you at the studio in 15, yeah?" I said back to him.

"Sure. See you then."


With that I hung up and started getting ready to go to the studio and start planning my World Tour. I only have a few months to plan because when I finish X Factor I pretty much go straight to touring.

~Ashley's P.O.V.~

Right now I was waiting for Marissa to arrive so we can go food shopping for Demi's surprise party on Wednesday. We were meant to meet at the mansion but I didn't feel like being there when the others, especially Ciara. I'm super excited and I hope nothing goes wrong. I just can't believe she's turning 22. The way she acts you wouldn't expect her to be turning 22 more like 12. But that's just Demi for you. One minute she can be totally serious and professional then the next she can be all weird and funny and joking and playing around.

Demi's just weird like that but that's what makes me love her even more than what I already do. She can be herself so easily and that's something I admire a lot. I love her so much and that's why I can't tell her what happened last night. I mean it's not like I kissed back so I don't really find it a problem but I know it'll break her and I just don't want to hurt her.

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