Chapter 29

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I laid in bed, thinking. Thinking about the kiss that Nick and I shared. I haven't slept much with these thoughts about the kiss in my mind. Honestly, I didn't know how I felt. I know how I should feel. I should feel guilty. I mean I kind of do feel guilty but I also feel like the kiss was right. It felt right.

It should have felt wrong. It isn't right. I cheated on Ash. I know she would never cheat on me. But now my thoughts are going wild.

Do you love Ash?
Of course I do.

Do you love Nick?
Only as a brother.

Is that the absolute truth?
It is. I don't love him like I love her, right?

That's for you to figure out Demetria.

Why can't this be simple? I can see futures with both Ash and Nick. I'm just so confused. And with Ash being gone from X Factor meaning we can't see each other as much and Nick helping me with the tour and seeing him a lot to just check everything isn't helping me.

I have to figure this out. But for now i need to get some sleep. I need to be alert and actually awake for the last time I see Ash for a while. Life is going to be weird without her always there.

~Ashley's P.O.V.~Tonight was the night of the results for the live shows that were yesterday. I had no motivation for yesterday because I knew what was coming. But everyone just had to act as if they didn't know. Well the other contestants didn't know but all the judges knew what was happening.

I honestly don't want to go. I was so close to the end. I just couldn't believe Katelynn could be that low. Well I guess i do have to understand that it's her beliefs and what she grew up with but that doesn't make me any less upset or angry with her.

I had everything packed and ready to go so I could leave tonight. I was just waiting on Alisa to finish getting ready so we could go to X Factor together. We have gotten so close and now it's all going away. Well I guess that was slightly over dramatic because we can still call and text each other so it's not like I'm losing a friend, but it won't be the same.

Tonight is also the last night I can see Demi for a while, at least til all of this has blown over and Simons suspicions, that's probably not even the right word, but you know what I mean. After everything has gone down and not in talk among the judges then I can see Demi.

I don't want to say goodbye to her yet. I'm really insecure about it all right now. I mean, will we start drifting apart? Will the relationship start breaking down? I sure hope not. Demi is the most important person in my life right now and I couldn't live without her. I just hope we can at least still call and tet each other until X Factor is over or we can see each other.

"Hey Ash, you ready to go?" Alisa came in the room and asked me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I chuckled and joked with her.

"You amuse me Ash. I sure hope either of us doesn't go tonight"

Oh if only you knew.

"Yeah me either. It'll be sad to be away from you, I'll miss you too much," I said dramatically and hugged her tightly.

"Oh Ash," She said and hugged me back, "Come on we better go or else we'll be late."

"Oh so you won't miss me. I see how this is,"
I said pouting at her.

"Of course I'll miss you," She said poking my nose, making me screw my nose up, "Seriously we have to go now."

We both eventually got to X Factor and had our hair and make up done like the night before and waited. I was growing more nervous by the second. I knew what was going to happen. I was going to get kicked off. I was going to see Demi for the last time for a while. I'm going to be leaving the mansion. I'm going back to my old life. And honestly, I'm scared.

I'm scared because I haven't talked or seen my friends in so long. Do I even call them my friends still? Are they still my friends? What will it be like at school now?

We were called up onto the stage and Katelynn went as far away from Demi as she could and Alisa went to the right side of Demi next to Alisa and Demi slightly and subtly pulled me to the left side of her and rested her hand on my lower back.

It came down to just the two of us on the stage now and I knew we had to do a sing off. Which I really didn't feel like doing. When we had to go get 'ready' for it Demi hugged me tightly before I had to go backstage and Demi had to go back to the panel.

It was now after the sing off and we were both standing on the stage in front of the judges. Oh and to make it worse I was up against Katelynn and I knew this time I had no chance.

The other judges had said who they are going to send home and so far it was 1 for Katelynn and 2 for me. It was now Simon's turn and he's currently the decider and we all know what's going to happen.

"You both are so talented and I hate to have to see one of you go tonight," Simon said, "But I'm afraid the act i'm going to send home tonight is...Ashley."

The crowd was silent. I think they were shocked, well some of them I guess. The host of the show came out and said a few things before we both got ushered off the stage and they went to an ad break.

I had my head down and went  to sit in the corner. They didn't do the journey thing they normally do and they never got the others to go up on the stage. Well I guess that's what I get.

I have no clue where anyone else is and all I need is someone like Alisa or Demi.

"I'm glad you're gone. You deserve everything that's happening to you right now, at least we all know who's better," Katelynn spat making me look up at her.

"Just leave me alone. I never needed someone like you in my life, someone so low to try and make another human being feel bad or down," I said back at her.

"Where'd you get that from? A textbook," Katelynn laughed and walked away.

I continued sitting there not having the energy to move. I probably should have followed Katelynn to get back to the others but it doesn't matter right now. I wanted to get away from here but I need to see Alisa first. 

I stood up and walked slowly. I finally made it to where everyone was.

"Ash I'm so sorry," Alisa said embracing me in a tight hug.

"It's alright, I'm going to miss you," I said slightly pulling back.

"I'll miss you more. Want me to walk back to the mansion with you?"

"I don't want to burden you," I said softly pulling back.

"You wouldn't be, you probably need someone and I'll be that someone,"

I thanked Alisa and I grabbed my phone and we started to walk back to the mansion. I checked my phone and I had two messages. One was from Demi and the other was from Marissa.

Hey babe, I'm sorry I couldn't see you after the show but I'll make sure to see you tomorrow. Meet me at mine before you leave to go back home.
Love you,
Love Dems xx

Her message made me smile and I instantly replied.

It's alright, I miss you already though. I'll be over around 10 in the morning. See you then.
Love you.

I checked Marissa's message next.

Ash, hi. I'm sorry about tonight. Do you want to maybe catch up tonight before you leave tomorrow? If you need someone, I can be that someone you can count on.
Love you. xo

Marissa never failed to put a smile on my face either.

Come over to the mansion now, Alisa's the only other one here with me. Thank you Mar.
Love you too.

"Hey it's alright if Marissa comes over now?"

"As in Demi's best friend?" She asked me.

"Yeah, so is it? Cause I already said she could but I can always say no as well," I said worrying slightly.

"No it's fine. Do you want to just stay outside?"

"Yeah that'll be good. Thank you,"
I said and hugged Alisa.

We didn't have to wait long until Marissa got here.

"Mar!" I yelled and hugged her tightly.

"Ash, hi, how are you?" She asked and we pulled away.

We all laughed and talked about nothing really. But every now and then I felt Mar's hand brush mine lightly and brush my sides. She was sitting very close to me too. It all made me miss Demi. She was just probably trying to make me happy and she was succeeding at that.

It was late and we were laying in the back on a bunch of blankets and pillows we got from inside and we were looking at the stars. Alisa had her girlfriend come over and they were cuddling and I was cuddled up to Mar.

She was soft, warm and comfy. So comfy that i was starting to drift.

Well at least I had someone, even if that someone wasn't who I needed. I needed my Demi but she had other commitments. That's what you get dating a celebrity.

~Demi's P.O.V.~
I felt really guilty. I wasn't able to see Ash after the show. Simon had engaged me in a conversation, which wasn't relevant to anything. I know what he was doing.

You all might think I'm over reacting and that he was probably just being nice and talking to me like a friend but no. He didn't want me to see Ash after the show. I saw as soon as I went to go to see her he pulled me away and started talking to me.

Oh and may I mention the fact that when it got to the point in which he must have known the contestants would have been gone by now he stopped mid sentence and left. Just leaving me standing there.

So to say I wasn't in the best of moods right now. I just wanted to see my baby. My Ash. Just one last time before she had to leave.

But no. I was resulted in texting her and asking if she could drop by mine the next day. Which she said she would and gave me a time that she would be there. I can't believe it is this way. But we're strong enough to get through.

I got home and I noticed that Marissa wasn't home. Well at least i could have the house to myself for a bit. Don't get me wrong, I love Mar but sometimes I just need some time to myself every once in a while.

About an hour later I was just laying on the couch watching crime shows when the doorbell rang. I thought it was Marissa.

"Hey Mar -- oh hi Nick," I said off surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd drop by and see how you were, beautiful,"
Nick said winking slightly.

"Come on in," I said blushing.

He walked in and sat on the couch.

"Would you like anything?"

"Oh nothing...just you," He mumbled towards the end but I still heard him.

I don't know what happened but i went into some sort of spell when he said that. All my thoughts were replaced with ones for Nick.

My want for him grew really strong at that moment. All the feelings i've kept locked up are coming out right now. I can't keep them in anymore. Especially after that.

"I heard that," I said walking over to him slowly.

He didn't say anything. Just gave me a look which made me weak at my knees. I need him. I want him. So bad.

I straddled his lap and looked him in the eyes. He rested his hands on my waist and I kissed him deeply and passionately, letting him feel my need and want for him.

We continued making out and he slid his hands down to my ass and squeezed it making me moan.

"Mmm let's take this to the bedroom," I said moaning.

He lifted me up and walked us up to my room while kissing and sucking my neck when he finally found my sweet spot.

Lucky he was holding me or I wouldn't have been able to hold myself. I moaned louder and threw my head back and slightly to the side giving him more space. I tangled my hands in his hair and held him there.

We got to my bedroom and Nick placed me on the bed and crawled on top of me reattaching our lips in a deep, passionate and hot make out.

Let's just say...we were in for a wild night.

Hiiiii, second last chapter and you all probably hate me right now! But oh welllll. I'm finally on break and I have my promotional interview for school tomorrow. And I'm nervous because all my classes other than English and Maths are over subscribed so I hope I get them!

Anyway I hope you like this chapter anddddd:

1. What would you like to see happen in the sequel? (the sequel is going to be 3 years on from this story)

2. What did you think of this chapter?

3. Favourite part?

4. Do you all hate me for the last POV?

5. If Ash was to end up with someone other than Demi, who would you want it to be?

One more chapter to go. Aw I've been writing this story for nearly a year and it's coming to an end. But at least there will be a sequel!

I'd also like to thank Shazonx3 for the name for my sequel! Thank you, I couldn't have come up with a better sequel name.

Well anyway, hope you like this chapter and please comment and vote!
Love you all!
Thank you for reading.
*gives cookie*

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