Chapter 24

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

It's Tuesday. August 19th. The day before Demi's birthday. I have to get everything ready for my surprise. The surprise before the party. I want it to be perfect, I have the perfect ring, it's a promise ring not an engagement ring, and the perfect girl. I just hope she likes the ring and says yes to it. That'll make my day and hopefully I can make her day.

I also have everything ready for the surprise party and Mar and I have managed to keep it a secret. Oh and so has everyone else. Mar and I also have flown Dianna, Eddie, Maddie and Dallas over here for the surprise party. It'll add to the surprise. I'm so excited I can't see Demi or else I'll tell but we have the results for the live shows today. I hope I stay. I love being on the show and I can see Demi a lot but it's all kept on the down low.

My mum is coming to the party also. I wish my dad could but he's doing a great thing for the country plus he'll be here for my birthday so I really couldn't complain. So this weekend I'm going with Alisa to meet her girlfriend. I'm really excited, Alisa talks so highly of her it's so cute. Alisa and I have gotten closer and we organised that meet up and I've skyped some of her friends. Katelynn still doesn't talk to me but I've caught her snooping around my stuff a few times and I bet she's listened in on a few of my conversations. Ciara, ugh she just won't stop. Now she has my phone number and constantly sends me texts like:

"I need to feel your lips again baby."

"I miss you."

"You're constantly on my mind."

"The kiss was amazing, let's do it again sometime."

I don't know how she found it amazing when I didn't even kiss back, couldn't she realise? I've been deleting the messages as soon as I get them, just in case Demi sees them somehow and then she'll most likely get mad or angry or something. I don't want to fight with Demi which is why I can't tell her, why she can't find out, why no one else can find out. I hope Ciara doesn't start black mailing me. That would be the worst.

I decided to let all go of these thoughts as I figured I should get up. I've been pretty lazy today but I don't feel like facing anyone. I'm just in one of those moods you know? The one where everything/everyone annoys you for absolutely no reason at all? Well I'm in one of those moods.

I got up, still in my PJ's and walked to the kitchen. I made up a fruit salad and went to my room. I didn't feel like doing much but then a thought came to mind. I forgot all about my story, the one I'm writing on Wattpad. I bet my readers are so annoyed I haven't updated in ages I hope they haven't given up on my story.

I sat in bed and wrote all day until it was time to get ready for the results. While I was making my hair look somewhat decent Alisa walked in.

"Hey Ash, you ready for tonight?" Alisa asked.

"I'm nervous, like every week but my hair just won't do what I want it to." I sighed getting frustrated and throwing everything back down.

Alisa came over and picked everything up and started to work on my hair for me.

"Same. Tonight I'm especially nervous. I don't know why but I'm just feeling overly nervous." Alisa said.

"Well I'll be there right by your side Ali. If you're nervous it'll make me even more nervous." I told her truthfully.

"Aw that's cute Ash. I'll be right there too. Ah how will it make you more nervous?" Alisa asked nearly finished with my hair.

"Well you know I try," I said imitating a cute face, "Cause you're like an older sister to me. If you're sad, I'm sad. If you're nervous, I'm nervous, so on."

"Well you more than succeed darling,"
Alisa replied imitating an English accent, "Aw Ash. Well you're like a little sister to me. So it works both ways. Like it?"
"Of course, how are you so good at this?"
I asked while I looked at my hair. Alisa had curled it and put little bits up so it looked good, "Thank you so much big sis. You're more of an older sister than what I've got so I'm grateful." I said getting up to hug her.

"Aw Ash, you're too sweet and cute. Anytime lil' sis. Shall we get going?" Alisa asked.

"We shall. Ah got to shake the nerves." I said shaking my body around.

Alisa just laughed and shook her head. As neither of us drive we have no choice but to walk to X Factor.

~Demi's P.O.V.~

It's my birthday tomorrow! I'm excited cause I can spend the day with Ash. I pushed my mentoring sessions back to Thursday. Everyone understands. I just want to relax on my birthday not have to do things for X Factor. I keep thinking if Ash has done anything for my birthday. Knowing her she's probably thought of this really cute surprise or something. That would definitely be her style.

I've spent a lot of the time since Sunday with Nick and we have gotten everything planned and sorted for my World Tour! I'm so excited for this and everything has been approved by my label. I really can't wait til X Factors done so I can go on tour and see all my amazing fans. They are all so great and I love meeting every single one of them! Touring is so great.

But I feel different around Nick. Different to all the other times I've been around him. I'm starting to feel like a swarm of butterflies are in my stomach. I feel all warm and fuzzy. I've caught myself staring at his lips a few times.

I shouldn't be feeling like this. This is how I feel towards Ash. I shouldn't feel like this towards Nick. I'll have to try and push these feelings away. I can. I just have to not show them. Conceal, don't feel.

But I'm going to be spending months on tour with Nick which will be hard but I can do it. I love Ash. I love Ash. I'm in love with Ash. Is all I keep repeating in my head. I'm getting ready for X Factor tonight. I haven't lost any of my girls so I'm doing great! They all have such strong fan bases right now which is amazing. Especially Ash and Alisa. Katelynn not so much, so I think she would be the first to go from my group. Not that I want to lose any of them, just saying.

I was running late from being so consumed in my battle between Nick and Ash. If I'm with Nick then I don't have to sneak around and hide, which would be great but I love being with Ash. She understands me so much, but then again so does Nick. See my's not really a dilemma cause I know I love Ash more. I think. No. I know I do.

I arrive at X Factor running late. I got there just as they were about to announce us judges. They announced us and we walked out to our seats waiting for them to call out the contestants. I was still thinking about the Nick, Ash thing but I had to focus so I started tapping my pen to distract me from my thoughts and focus on X Factor.

Our groups were called out and we were standing with them. I had Katelynn on my right and Alisa and Ash on my left but Ash was further away than Alisa. They looked nervous but Katelynn had this smug look on her face. I don't trust her much. I think she's up to something.

"And the first contestant that's safe tonight...and remember this isn't in any particular Henderson!"

I was happy my baby was through. That's all I really cared about. I hugged her and whispered congratulations in her ear which she replied with a smile. The rest of the night didn't faze me too much. I didn't pay much attention but all my girls are still in the competition which I am so happy for! But Ciara's group was still there, I don't like Ciara much. Also I think there's something going on between Ciara and Ash.

But I also think there's something going on between Mar and Ash. God Demi get a grip. I think to myself. I can't accuse her for being with everyone when that's not true. I know she wouldn't be like that. I just keep thinking back to Saturday I remember Ciara going into that bedroom after I came out. And Mar and Ash have been spending so much time and being secretive together. You can't blame me right?

Anyway I walked around backstage trying to find them. I found Katelynn standing alone so I went over to her first.

"Hey Katelynn congratulations, knew you would get through." I said as I was close to her now.

She didn't reply. She just shot me a smirk and walked off. I just shrugged it off. I'm beginning to not like her as much anymore. I walked around more til I finally found Ash. She was standing with Alisa.

"Hey you two. Congratulations! I knew you guys would definitely get through tonight!" I said giving them both side hugs.

"Thanks Demi. Couldn't have made it through tonight without Ash there by my side." Alisa said.

"Thanks. Same here. We were both so nervous. We were going to talk to you about it before hand but couldn't find you." Ash said to me.

"Aw it's cute how you guys have such a strong friendship. Sorry I was running late and barely made it." I said slightly laughing.

Alisa and Ash both slightly laughed too.

"Well I think I'm going to head off back home. Have a great night you two." I said then started walking off.

I got halfway down the hall til I heard someone shout DEMI!! I turned to see Ash run up to me.

"Tomorrow, be ready by 10 baby." Ash whispered and pecked my cheek subtly.

Then she ran off back to Alisa. I just stood there wondering....what's she planned for tomorrow?

Heyy I have finished exams and thanks to everyone who wished me luck. I feel like they went super well!! :D

Ash's surprise and the surprise party will be next chapter! Can't wait to write it!!

I hope you like this chapter and I decided to update right before I'm about to go to bed. Sorry for any mistakes or anything it's past 12am so I'm kinda tired :P

So comment what you think please! I love hearing back what you have to say and comments really really make my day, as do votes and just you guys reading this story!

I have to thank you guys for over 100k reads! When I saw I had that much I literally freaked out! I'm so happy!! I couldn't be happier!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

I'm on holidays so I'll try and write more but I'll be kinda busy too so yeah I may just update at night like this!

Hope you like this chapter!

Thanks for reading!
Night! xx

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now