Chapter 16

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~Demi's P.O.V.~

I awoke the next more with a massive headache from crying too much. I didn't want to get out of bed or do anything at all. If I didn't have Ashley then what was the point of it all. I didn't even care about the mentoring sessions with all of them but if I didn't go then that wouldn't be so fair on Alisa and Katelynn.

"DEMI!!" Marissa shouted as she bursted through the door of my bedroom.

 I lifted my head up slightly to look at her but put it straight back down and sighed.

"Oh Dems..." Marissa said as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

I moved closer to her and put my head on her lap. I started crying all over again. Marissa saw that I was crying and started stroking my head. I was kind of hoping that yesterday never happened and that it was all a dream. But now it's beginning to sink in. I lost Ashley. I was so stupid I should've just told her when we first started dating. I could have avoided all of this, everything would be fine and I would have Ash here with me instead of Marissa. Marissa is a great friend for getting on a plane and actually coming here for me. The bestest friend ever.

"Rissa...I s-s-screwed up so fucking b-bad..." I told her while crying.

"Screwed what up Dems?" Marissa asked so confused.

I never even told her about being in a relationship. But I have to tell her now. Obviously, she came all this way I can't not tell her. She is going to be shocked. Hopefully she won't be mad and leave me.

"I t-told h-h-her that it was a-all a m-mistake...rissa I-I told h-her that o-o-our relationship was a m-m-mistake..." By now I was crying hysterically.

The more I said it the more true it became in my mind. If only I could wake up from this nightmare. Is it bad that my dreams are more peaceful than reality at the moment? I want to escape. Until I have Ashley everything is pointless.

"Shhhh....shhh Dems it'll be alright. Knowing you, you didn't mean it. You just have to show her you didn't. I know that you, Demi, can get her back. If not she's the crazy one. Now let's get you up, dressed and have breakfast." Marissa said ever so sweetly to me.

Marissa's right. I have to think of a way to get her back. But right now I'm stuck thinking about the mentoring session. I can't see her and not kiss her afterwards. I know I have to try to not want to jump her. I should choose a song that will deliver what I want to tell her. She's smart enough to figure that out if I were to do that, right?

"B-but...but I'm going to have to s-see her in the m-mentoring session today." I spilled to her.

Oh no. I shouldn't have told her that. She wouldn't go and tell someone. I'm her best friend, she wouldn't do that. No she wouldn't. I really have to stop worrying about everything to much.

"Hey Dems, now is the person you're talking about, could she be Ashley?" She asked me.

I turned to look up at her. Confusion written all over my face. How did she know? I probably stare at Ashley too much to 'just be friends'. Marissa laughed at my confused face. I've already slapped her in my mind. Just sitting there laughing at my confused face.

"Oh Demi... I've watch the show and the way you look at her compared to anyone else. You can tell that you like her very much. That's how I guessed and you haven't denied so it's obviously true." Oh so it seems I wasn't being as discrete as I thought.

I laughed a little bit and decided that I should get up. I left Marissa in my room while I went to have a shower. I thought of the perfect song to get Ashley to sing. It expresses everything I feel towards her.

One Story, One Message, One Audtition ➵ Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now