Chapter 7

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"Mimi, aren't you gonna answer that?" Ashlee interjected, waking me from my internal dilemma.

Instead of replying to Ashlee's question, I clicked the accept button and brought it to my ear.


"Hey Camila, uh- you called me a few times a few hours ago. What's up?" Lucy asked in rather hoarse voice like she had just woken up from a night of lots of drinking and regrets. But even as she sounded disheveled, she still sounded polite. Even with the rumor going on about me and Lauren, she had never did or said anything rude to me.

"Oh yeah, I uh- I actually think it would be better if we were in to address it in person. Are you able to meet me later at some coffee shop or something?" I questioned, unsure if I was crossing some line or something.

"Uh- sure," she sounded skeptical and unsure, but accepted nonetheless.

Sometimes when I think about it, Lucy reminds me of Lauren in more ways than one; they're both beautiful inside and outside.

Although we were never close enough to talk about sexuality , I'm pretty sure she's pansexual. She looks like the type of person who wouldn't care about genders, she's attracted to someone's intellect and personality.

What I also know based from our hangouts was that she loved Lauren since forever. She looked at her the way I did. And although Lauren had never explicitly told me whether she knew it or not, I'm pretty sure that she tried to ignore it. Probably because they're best friends and she didn't want to destroy their friendships for a romantic one.

I wasn't sure why she was willing to destroy ours.

Sometimes, I feel like Lauren only wanted to be with me because she felt obligated to. I told her how I felt long before we started dating and she drifted apart for a while, but after some time, she came up to me and we just started dating then.

Maybe Lauren had also loved Lucy since the very beginning, I was just the one who went after her earlier. But now that I was out of the picture, Lauren could finally come out and tell Lucy how she actually felt. And although it pained me that I wasn't who she wanted by choice, that she didn't actually reciprocate how I feel for her, I was happy because she deserves to be with someone she really actually wants; even if it wasn't with me.

Lucy and I decided to go to this local coffee shop that was at the meet point of the hotel she was staying at with Lauren and mine. After deciding the time and place, we bid our goodbyes politely and hung up.

I sighed in relied, that went fairly well than expected. And by expectation, I mean I expected her to be shouting at me or something.

I didn't think saying that I was still love Lauren was a good idea, especially since they're happily engaged together. Lauren and I were toxic, still are actually. Just take the fight we had just hours ago for example.


"Hey," Lucy announced, waking me from daydream, her hands holding two cups of coffee.

"Hey," I said weakly, standing up to awkwardly hug her. I didn't mean it to be awkward but that's just impossible, especially considering our current position.

Lucy was wearing a simple white shirt and blue jeans, her front shirt tucked in her jeans. On top of that, she was also wearing her very own black biker's jacket, making me realize yet again how similar she is with the green eyed beauty.

She's beautiful, and as much as I hate to admit this, she and Lauren fits.

We sat down, my fingers all tangled together in front of me because of the awkward silence and the obvious nerve-wracking situation.

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