Chapter 22

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A/N: Smut? Smut. And also drugs.


Evening of April 17th

I'm speechless.

I mean, I really am.

My mouth is still hanging agape as I watch the spot where Lucy and a blonde girl outside the building last interacted.

I can't believe it. What the hell happened?

Lauren is just there; stiff as a board, which affirms that Lauren saw it too.

"Hey," she croaks out after a few moment of silence since Lucy's walked in. "Can you, uhh- wait here? I don't think I can stay there."

"Yeah, sure," I answer, not knowing what else to say.

"Uh, I'm just gonna take my stuffs first. Is that okay?" Her voice lacked emotion. It was impassive and impersonal. Despite the front she's putting herself on right now, it's pretty obvious that she's hurting right now.

I mean, who wouldn't.

"Yeah, alright."

Slowly, Lauren climbs out of the car and walks into the building.

I waited for quite a while - 57 minutes but who's counting - when she finally came back out. She had her suitcases and bags ready so I hopped out and helped her.

Once everything was done, we went back in and set the road.

"Where are you gonna go?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to set her off but in the same time, it's needed because I don't know where to drive to.

"I don't know," she answers defeatedly. I side-eyed her and saw a tear flow down her cheek.


She just got cheated on by her best friend whom she could trust with all her life. Not only did she lose her fiancé, she lost a decade worth of friendship.

"Do you wanna go to your parent's house?" I suggest.

"I don't think I could explain to them what happened to Lucy and I right now."

"Yeah, alright." What happened when she was gone inside the building? Did they break up or did Lauren just went packing and leave? Should I even ask her about this?

"We broke up," she discloses, answering my question. I just silently look over to her when she spoke. "I just came up and said that I saw her and Sarah."

I'm not stupid, I can put two and two together to know that Sarah's the girl Lucy kissed.

"She tried to explain everything and I just sat there. Everything she said came out of the other ear so I just said that we should break up. She knew better than to argue," She adds, her voice now wavering. I feel useless. I seriously don't know what to do to make her feel better.

So I just sat there, my knuckles white against the steering wheel, unable to form a simple comforting word as there's a lump on my throat.

So I just continued driving while she talked. "I packed everything and just walked out the door. I just-" a surprising heart wrenching sob interrupted her, filtering through my ears.

Fuck, I really need to do something.

I realized that Target is nearby and decided to park at the lot. I climbed out immediately once I parked, making Lauren confused for a minute as I ran to her side.

I just opened the door and brought her out, hugging her instantly. She broke down as I wrapped myself around her.

I held her, my two legs standing firm for the both of us when hers gave up on her.

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