Chapter 23

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It's been a week since that night and Lauren hasn't called or even texted me.

The first day was probably the most painful of the week long agony. It's probably because I couldn't stop hoping for her to call. I waited and waited holding my phone on my palm until it eventually sweated for the rest of the day. But no matter how gross it was, I still held onto it. I still held onto her. I was happy of course, anticipating for the call from the green-eyed girl I had longed to talk to.

When the night came and I was alone in my room, I cried. I wept like I've never cried before. It wasn't the type where you shed a few tears while looking sad and depressed after watching Titanic, it was the heart wrenching sobs and silencing my cries on the pillow, drenching the cover with all the tears that came out. I didn't sleep that night.

But being the stupid Camila I am, I waited again the next day; with the same result.

I cried the same way too. But the difference was that doubt started to etch my head; slowly but surely. I felt used. Maybe Lauren only wanted a one time thing. Maybe she just wanted me to fill the hollowness Lucy left. And that again left me another sleepless night.

But again, I continued hoping the next day.

It was weird. When the sun was up and bright, I was hopeful, smiling at my family that they didn't notice anything. But when the sun set, I stayed in my room and became someone else entirely, feeling worthless and wallowing in the suddenly claustrophobic room.

When the third night came, it got worse. My parents decided to bring Sofi and me out, to which I declined politely, using the fact that I was tired as an excuse. Thankfully, my baggy eyes backed me up. So, when my family went out, leaving me alone, I smashed everything I could get ahold of in my room and collapsed in the middle of the room. I was angry at Lauren. But mostly, I was angry at myself for letting Lauren get to me; just like she always had.

But before my family came home and suspect anything, I swept everything out of view. Again, I was sleepless that night.

The fourth day came and I felt weak. The sleepless nights finally taking its toll to my body. But I still couldn't sleep. So I spent the day staring at the ceiling with my phone still on my hand.

That was the only thing I couldn't break along with my fragile belongings. What if Lauren decided to call me?

It was fucked up. Especially after everything she has put me through.

My mom came in, asking if I was okay because I wasn't my usual energetic self. I used the excuse that I was sick and to my relief, she believed me.

If only that was true. It would've hurt less than this.

The fifth day, I became crazy. I got deluded into thinking that it wasn't Lauren who was at fault; it was my phone. So I went out and bought a new phone. I asked the line carrier if there was something wrong with my line. They said there wasn't but it wasn't the answer I wanted. So I demanded a new sim, under the same number.

But still, all hopes crashed down when nothing happened.

The sixth day, my hope almost fully deteriorated. But despite everything else, I didn't quite give up. I was still holding onto the cliff, hoping that she would come help me before I completely jump off.

Today, the seventh day, my phone rang. But it wasn't from the girl I wanted. It was Vero.

"Hey, I know you said you said that you would text me, but I haven't heard you in a week so just put me out of my misery and just answer whether you wanna go out with me or not." She said nervously as I answered the phone,

Too Close To Home (Camren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin