Chapter 1: The Caretaker

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The wind is howling as you make your way home from school, a moderately heavy backpack slung over your right shoulder. As the breeze washes over your body like a cold shower but less wet, you take shelter inside of an antique shop, one you had been meaning to explore for the past month or so. Inside, the smell of dust and old wood fills your nostrils. Your feet cause the old floorboards to creak as make your way down the aisle between two shelves.

There's an old man at the counter with his eyes scanning the inside pages of the morning newspaper, you wonder if he even noticed you come in. You turn the corner and are surprised to find a functioning grandfather clock. You run your fingertips against the gracefully crafted wooden spine before your attention drifts to a strange looking artifact hidden between two other items. It's some sort of mechanism that you are unable to open. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you end up cutting yourself. You make an audible sound of pain, which causes the old man to look over his dusty spectacles.

You give an awkward wave and the old man's eyes fall back down to the pages of his newspaper. You place the wooden antique on the counter and the old man rolls up his newspaper and sets it beside him. He fumbles with the fragile item as he puts it in a plastic bag, you think he might accidentally drop it. Before you know it, he hands you the plastic bag and you cough over your well earned money.

"Be careful." He says before you are able to leave his small, dusty shop.

"With what?" You ask, he points towards the antique you had purchased.

"The man who brought it to me said it was cursed." You laugh at the old man's attempt to scare you.

"Surely you don't believe in any of that nonsense. You seem like you've seen it all." The old man raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Not everything." You exchange glances before you turn on your heels and take your leave.


Following that strange encounter with the old man, you find yourself at your gate. You kick it open forcefully and make your way inside. Once inside, you breath heavily, finding yourself alone ever since your parents left to take care of some business on the other side of the world. For the next couple of months, you were alone, with only your older sister checking up on you once a week. You remove the antique from the plastic bag and place it on the shelf in your room.

"Perfect." You say to yourself, examining the newly displayed antique from a couple feet away. "Homework time."

After taking your shoes off, kicking your feet up and obtaining a snack, you sprawl your homework out and begin to work. Math was your worst subject, currently you weren't doing so hot. But for tomorrow, you had made plans with the teacher to stay after to complete some extra credit work so that you could raise your grade.

Once you are finished, you return to your room and face plant onto your bed. The silence is killing you, you wish that you had someone else living with you, anybody actually.

You roll onto your shoulder and peer at the antique from afar. Hopping off of your bed, you grab the antique and begin to fidget with the set of buttons at the bottom. Hopefully you can figure out how to work this thing. You press a button on the inside, which causes the mechanism to open itself up.

"What the hell?" You press your finger against the same button a dozen times, but to no avail. It's empty on the inside, you find yourself wondering why you even wasted money on it. You toss it onto your bed and head for the bathroom, where a hot shower can hopefully clear your head.

You snatch a clean towel which was draped over a living room chair and head into the bathroom. There, you begin to undo your shirt whilst staring into the mirror. Your gaze drifts to your feet, a puddle of water meets your socks. You turn around, hearing the sound of water trickling down the side of the tub.

"WHAT THE-" You spot a young naked girl cleaning herself in the tub. Her eyes meet with yours and she smiles as if she didn't just intrude your home. You stumble backwards and slip, banging the back of your head against the sink during the fall. Complete darkness envelops your eyesight.


As the throbbing of your temples seemingly fades away, you find yourself squirming on the bathroom floor. Something heavy is forcing you not to get up. You open your eyes and see the young naked girl sitting on top of you.

"Who are you?" You ask, finding that she has a firm grasp on your wrist and is bending over you, her flat breasts dangle in front of your face.

"The names Nina." She says casually. "I'll get off of you if you promise not to scream again." You nod your head and Nina crawls off of you as promised.

"Here, put this on." You toss her your towel and she stares at it likes it a baby and she's a 30 year old a man who doesn't know how to take care of children. "Is something wrong?"

" this?" She brings the towel up to her nose and sniffs it. You notice the cats ears on the top of her head perk up a little.

 You notice the cats ears on the top of her head perk up a little

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"It's a do you not know what a towel is?" Nina looks up at you, her eyes are wide and she seems to be wrinkling her nose a little.

"I'm not from here." She says, stretching out her legs and throwing up her arms in the midst of a yawn.

"You're naked! Just please wrap the towel around you." Nina does as you insist and soon her breasts and genitalia are no longer visible.

"I don't see what the big deal is." You raise an eyebrow at Nina, truly dumbfounded as to who she is and why she doesn't know what a freaking towel is.

"How did you get into my house and where did you come from?" Nina ponders on your questions for a bit before raising her finger into the air like she just won a game show question.

"It was really cold and I was in the middle of nowhere and I had no idea how I got there. I didn't even see any trees or anything! So I walked for a little and crawled inside of an open window. And I was really dirty and my lady parts were really itchy, so I decided to take a shower and eat some of your food." Nina says all of this with a bright smile on her face.

"That's why the frosted flakes are missing." Nina nods her head.

"I also drank all of your milk too. Sorry about that!" You find yourself wondering what you should do next and how you should handle the situation.

"Nina, if what you're saying is true and you're not sure how you got here than I'm giving you my permission to stay for the night. Tomorrow, I'll go to the police station and see if there's any missing persons reports. But for now, I'll get you some of my mom's old clothes and some blankets." Nina smiles and places a quick kiss upon your cheek as a form of gratitude for your hospitality.

"Thanks, boss." She says in a hushed tone.

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