Chapter 5: Lost Girl

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It's been days since your last discussion with Jezebel. You've barely seen Nina around the house as well, you're beginning to believe that they both don't want you around anymore. As if to make your sadness even more of a reality, the unrelenting rain outside your windows feels likes only there just to dampen the mood even more than it already is. You toss and turn in bed, only to be further more distracted by a light switch being flicked on just outside your bedroom door.

"Hello?" The door opens slowly and ominously. The shadows cascade darkness over the face of your late night visitor. "Jezebel?" The figure hops onto your bed and forcefully holds you down.

"It's just me, boss." Nina places a passionate kiss against your lips.

"What are you doing here, Nina? It's late." Nina seems eager to feel your touch.

"I just needed to feel you, boss." The sound of lips smacking together is interrupted by a sharp knocking on your glass window.

"Was that the wind?" Nina curls into a ball next to you, she's shivering and her skin feels hotter than usual. "No, it couldn't have been." You get up and walk into the hall, Nina follows with her hands gripping your bicep. "Stay close." You whisper into Nina's ear.

You open the door to Jezebel's room and see her fast asleep. You close it and head into the living room, where the front door is wide open.

"Stay here." You demand, throwing on your jacket.

"Where are you going?" You kiss Nina's lips and tilt her chin up with your index finger.

"Outside, that noise wasn't nothing." You grab a flashlight and close the door on your way out, making sure nothing can get it and hurt Nina and Jezebel while you're gone.

Once outside, the rain proves to be a worthy opponent. You click your flashlight on and begin your investigation. The side of the house is empty, and as the wind increases and begins to howl, your heart rate seems to spike.

You turn on your heels in order to go back, but you bump into a solid figure, which causes you to trip and fall into the mud. You scavenge through the dirt and grass to find your flashlight. Once you shine it in front of you, the figure has disappeared.

"Damn." You get up and brush yourself off.

"Help me." You turn around, startled by the innocent sound of a young girls voice. She's standing in front of you, covered in mud with scratches along her skin. She's defenseless and completely unclothed to make matters worse.

"Here." You remove your jacket and wrap it around the girls shoulders. "Come inside, hurry." You drag the girl inside, where Jezebel and Nina are both watching as you set her down on the sofa and pile blankets onto her.

"I'll get some clothes from your mom's room." Jezebel heads off down the hall and comes back minutes later with underwear, a shirt, socks and sweatpants.

Nina shuts the door as Jezebel turns the light back on in the living room. The cat girls watch as you rub the mud off of the girls head using a towel.

"Oh god...not again." You shake your head at the girl.

"What is it?" Jezebel asks, you turn around and the girls cat ears are twitching in the mess that is her matted pink hair.

"What is it?" Jezebel asks, you turn around and the girls cat ears are twitching in the mess that is her matted pink hair

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You are sitting next to Jezebel as Nina comforts the new girl with hot chocolate and warm blankets.

"What are we gonna do?" Jezebel asks, refraining from making eye contact with you. You face Jezebel and take in her beautiful features.

"I guess...I have to keep her." Jezebel's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Are you sure that you can do that? There's three of us now." You nod your head.

"What other choice do we have?" Jezebel nods in agreement.

"Sweetie," Jezebel calls and the pink haired girl looks at her, "what's your name?"

"Ca-Candy." Nina rubs Candy's shoulders as she takes another sip of her hot chocolate.

"Do you know where you came from?" Candy shakes her head.

"I just...woke up and started to walk. Then I found him." Candy points at you.

"I'm Y/N, this is Jezebel and that's Nina...looks like you'll be staying with us for a little while."


After school the next day, you find Candy standing alone in the front garden. You stop your bike and throw your leg over.

"Candy," She seems startled at your sudden arrival, "so how are you adjusting?" Candy shrugs her shoulders.

"It's nice so far, thank you for letting me stay." You smile warmly as Candy plays with a lock of her hair.

"Candy...are you sure you don't remember anything from before you woke up?." Candy ponders for a quite a while.

"When I went to sleep last night, I think I remembered something."

"What was it?" You take a couple steps forward.

"There were horses...and swords, as well as men in armor." Candy wrinkles her nose. "I'm not sure any of it has to do with my past though."

"Horses, swords and armored men? Could they have been samurai?"

"Yes!" Candy says in a loud voice as if she has just cracked the code or solved the puzzle. "There was writing, I didn't recognize any of it though. But then...there was some sort of glowing orb of some sort. There were clouds, pink flower petals were at my feet, there was a ray of sun that shown through the trees and it was golden, as well as a raven, it just stared at me like I had done something wrong." This shocking revelation puzzles you.

" are the colors of your hair, Nina's hair and Jezebel's hair. But white, who could that be?" Candy shrugs her shoulders. "Something is missing, there's another girl out there."

"Well, what she would do?"

What do you say?

1.) "Let her come to us."

2.) "Lets go find her."

(This choice has a massive outcome)

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