Chapter 3: Hidden Talents

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"No, I'm fine." You smile and Nina smiles back.

"Goody!" She grabs your hand and drags you away from the park bench.


The following days are spent spending time with Jezebel and keeping Nina occupied so that she doesn't wander out of the house. You find yourself unable to go to the police station because of how hard it is to balance your social life and your home life. You decide that it'd be best to blend the two together and introduce Nina to Jezebel and hope that they hit it off so the three of you can spend time together.

"So, repeat what I just said." You are sitting down with your legs crossed as Nina sits opposite of you. She licks her hand as you nudge her foot, causing her to realize what you had said.

"I'm your sister, who has been living with our uncle in America after being accepted into a prestigious learning program. The program has ended and I have come back in order to live with my parents until I go off to college. You are my brother whom I love dearly." Nina says all of this in a stilted and robotic fashion as if she's reading off of a note card..wait, she is.

"Good, now just memorize all of that and we should be good to go." Nina sighs loudly, you can tell she isn't up to help you with your crush. "What's wrong?"

"Do I have to do this?" Nina pouts like a toddler when they don't get what they want.

"Yes! I need your help if I'm gonna maintain my relationship with Jezebel and keep you under control at the same time. This way, we can all hang out together and maybe you'll even really like Jezebel and the two of you will become best friends." Nina wiggles her toes and ponders on the idea of a new friend with whom she can play with.

"That doesn't sound too bad." You crawl towards Nina and you place a gentle and loving kiss on her forehead.

"If you do this for me than I won't go to the police station and you can stay here with me, how's that sound?" Nina nods her head vigorously. You lift yourself up and begin to walk out, but Nina calls out your name.

"Y/N?" She says, tapping her fingers together as if she's hesitant to ask you something or just unsure of herself.


"Can...I sleep with you tonight?" You raise an eyebrow and Nina finally makes eye contact with you. "I get scared when you're not here." You extend a hand and Nina places her fingertips onto your palm.

"Of course you can." Nina smiles, you can't help but smile back. You take Nina into your arms and before you know it, she's curled up into a ball at your side. You put a loving arm around her and hold her tight.


The following day, the tires of your bike come to a screeching halt. Nina is holding onto you as tight as she can.

"You can let go now." Nina shakes her head. "Nina, we're late!" Nina doesn't budge, forcing you to forcefully pull her off yourself. She kicks her legs and squirms around like a child.

You are able to contain her for the time being. A walk through the forest helps Nina calm down even more. She marvels at the singing birds and the falling leaves.

"It's so...pretty." Nina does a twirl, bumping into you in the process. You put your arms around her and hold Nina close. She turns on her heels and returns the embrace.

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