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"Do we still have to go???" Cherryrain complains, her black tail swishing across the sandy ground.

"What my father says goes," Birdpaw shrugs, "I have no power over what he says."

How did Birdpaw manage to stay sane around Cherryrain? He was so calm with dealing with her strangeness and whining. I hate to admit it, but I look up to Birdpaw in many ways, despite me being psychically older than him.

"You should defy your father!" Cherryrain announced, stomping her front paw on the ground, "And let us go free!!"

"I wish I had the courage to do that," Birdpaw mumbles, looking down, his eyes shadowed. I prick my ears in curiosity in case he said something else, but nothing came from the tom.

"Her again?" I hear a she-cat scoff, as we approach the land that was the WindClan territory, though now it holds the cats that Fallowstar doesn't trust.

Cherryrain is acting like a kit, whining and pouting. She dug her claws into the ground and stood still, causing both Birdpaw and I to sigh in annoyance.

"There's no way I'm going into a cell," she stated firmly, "There's something dangerous... someone is going to cause a massacre if I enter."

It sounded like she was repeating words, as she stopped every few words. Birdpaw tilting his head, and stared at her face for a few moments before his eyes widened.

"She's... she's serious.." the silver tom faltered, stepping back and worry crossing his features.

"Tch," I scoff, "She's crazy- of course she looks serious."

Birdpaw seems torn, his ears lying flat against his skull. He reluctantly nodded, and attempted to shove the black cat into the tunnel in front of us.

It took... a long time. Birdpaw and I eventually did push the smaller cat into the large tunnel, who yowled in protest as she crashed against the cold ground. I flick my tail to Birdpaw before entering the tunnel myself.

Two cats place a barrier covering the entrance- it's surprisingly stable. Cherryrain claws at the bracken, yowling and whining.

I, once again, scoff in annoyance, curling up in the messy moss nest in the corner. It was only three days with a crazy cat- nothing could go wrong, right?

Keep telling yourself that, Rooksplash, keep giving yourself false hope...

Fact of the Day: Cherryrain was previously a ShadowClan cat, she had jumped into the lake and drowned herself for unknown reasons.

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