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"They're going to get us," Cherryrain had repeated that sentence over and over again, running into the wall a couple times, "Oh, pleaseeeee let us go!"

I growl, pressing my ears against my skull, and burying my head into my excuse for a tail- it was honestly just a long line of fluff. The black cat whined again, collapsing onto the ground from exhaustion.

"No no no noooo," the she-cat whined over and over again, "I don't want to disappear yet!!"

"Oh my StarClan, will you ever shut up!?" I screamed at her, ticked off. Cherryrain jumped, and whimpered, bowing her head. I growl in frustration, before laying my tail over my nose again.

Cherryrain sobbed, trembling. She was... scared? Scared of what?

A cool breeze sweeps over me and my ears prick, it felt weird. Was someone else here? Cherryrain hadn't moved, so I lie back down. It wasn't strange that she randomly stopped crying— she was the local crazy cat, after all.

I feel eyes burning holes into my back.

Cherryrain POV

High-pitched, annoying laughter.

The scent of something sweet floods the small cave, and I relax against my own will.

It's peaceful.

I'm vulnerable. The hunters are going to catch their prey soon.

I need to leave.

I need to escape.

I need to live.

Author's Note:
sorry for the long wait and short chapter :p

Fact of the Day: Cherryrain does not have any romantic feelings toward Rooksplash— well, at least, not yet.

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