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"C-Cherryrain..." I trail off, my voice hoarse. I feel my soul drop to nothing as I watch the silver tom shatter. As the body breaks into dozens of tiny stars.

He's gone.

"Ahahahahaha..." the she-cat laughs, throwing her head back, "Oh, it's been sooo long since I killed a cat~!"

I struggle to speak, my eyes staring info the golden ones I loved. Processing what she had said, I flinch. Cherryrain... has killed before? the heavy silence is broken as the black she-cat's eyes soften.

"I..." her voice is horse, "I'm... so sorry."

"This isn't a game, Cherryrain!" I yowl, tears forming on my face, "Stop! Drop the act you're doing! Just show me who you really are!!"

"This is me... Rooksplash," the way she softly said my name made me helpless. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean anything. I didn't mean to kill him..."

"I-" I cut myself off, taking a breath, "You just murdered and innocent cat, and you just laughed about it!" My heart is pounding, "Don't tell me that I fell in love with a murderer!"

"L-love..." Cherryrain's eyes widen, something triggering her, "Love is a lie. They all claimed to love me, but I was betrayed. Every single time."

"But... you're different right?!" the black cat raises her voice, "You.. you won't leave me, right?! You're not scared of me?"

"I..." I unwillingly hesitate, my voice cracking, "I don't know how to... feel."

A soft smile appears on her face, her more serious emotion falling over her. "At least you didn't lie."

Author's Note:
sorry for dying lol
here, have this short chapter

Fact of the Day: Cherryrain, as an apprentice, fell in love with a young RiverClan warrior. She felt betrayed when she figured out he didn't return his feelings, thus creating her 'yandere' personality.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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