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I shiver as I walk down the tunnel. Short, she said. It won't be scary, she said.

Why was there even water here? I frown, avoiding all the droplets. Cherryrain glanced back at me.

"Hurry up," she meowed flatly, "We don't have a lot of time."

"Why do we even need to escape?" I stopped moving, twitching my tail, "There's no reason for us to leave— it's only a few days."

"Do you really want to be caught by them?" Cherryrain growled, twirling around, "Do you really want to get ripped to pieces at the claws of darkness?"

"It's just a hallucination!" I hiss back, fur spiking up, "Stop! Cherryrain, stop playing this game with me!"

The black cat steps back, golden eyes wide. "A game? You think this is a game?" She shook her head, "It's not. It's real."

"Oh my StarClan," I nearly yowl, "I'm done with you and your petty imagination," she flattens her ears against her skull, "I'm sick of being your sidekick and watching you like a kit. I'm sick of it, Cherryrain."

"Then leave," she whispers. She wasn't crying, she clearly wasn't sad. She kept her cold stare and twirled around.

I stand still, watching the one cat I love disappear down the tunnel. No regrets, I think to myself. But I don't turn back toward the prison. I want to go after her. I want to apologize.

Pawsteps are echoing behind me.

Fact of the Day: Cherryrain was abused as an apprentice and kit

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