Chapter 15

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Cali POV
I haven't seen Mill in a while and when I came downstairs I knew it was her. She was with three other girls. Grown women I should say.

"Camill?" I said looking at her . When she turned around I was blown away she looked so beautiful with her big belly. She looked like she was ready to pop. 

"Cali." was all she said before turning back to Cally. I saw one of her friends mugging me and I didn't like it.

"Do I know you?" I asked smartly. She did a devilish laugh and walked towards me. She stopped when she was right in front of me.

"You don't know me but boy oh boy do I know you."She said staring me down. I looked at her for another second before walking away bumping her shoulder.

"Yo who was that?" Camdon came up to me asking. 

"I don't know some girls with Mill." I said sitting down at the table.

"Wait Mill here?" Jay said with excitement. Everybody looked above me with a sad look.

"Hey guys." I heard Mill say. Hearing her voice is driving me crazy.

"Hey." Everyone said in unison.

"Cali can you help with something?" she asked with a baby voice. She want food.

"And what would that be?" I asked with a smirk.

"Cally won't let me out her site and this food is not cutting it. Can you please go get my special order please?" said handing me the money. 

"Yeah I got you, but keep the money Mill." I smiled. She smiled mouthing a Thank You as she was being pulled away.

Mill POV

I don't know what just came over me. I was starving and the food looked good but the smell was throwing me way off. I knew what I wanted but the only person who know the order by heart is Cali. I have no other choice but to talk to her because I'm really hungry.  

"What you say to her?" Ray asked. She been very protective since we got here. And I have a very strong feeling she don't like Cali. 

"I just asked her if she could get me some food Ray Ray." I said smiling at her. I will say me and Ray have had a strong connection but I'm not sure if she into me. Some times she do the little things like rub on me and stuff and then just act like I'm her child. I wish she will tell me something. But lately she has been getting mad a Gabby, and I think its because of me. 

"Oh." was all she said and looked down.

"Yo what's wrong with you?" I asked getting feed up with the bullshit.

"Nothing." she said not looking at me. I wasn't taking that as answer. So I grabbed her hand and taking her in the house. 

"Ray I know something is wrong. You been giving me mixed signals since we met. Tell me." I said standing in front of her with a serious face. She looked everywhere but me.

"I don't know. I-I just never liked a girl the way I like you. Plus you under 18 I could go to jail Mill." She said finally looking me in the eyes.

"So you been acting this way because you like me?" I asked. She nodded her head. I smiled and kissed her. She was taken back from my action I could tell by the way she didn't kiss back right  away. But after awhile she kissed back. I heard the door shut and I knew it was Cali.

"Y'all nasty." Cali said with a smile. I laughed as as Ray face turned red.

"Here's your food Big Head." She said 

"Yay!!" I squealed happily taking the bag from her hands.

"What is that Camill?" Ray asked knowing it was a burger. I mean you could smell it through the bag.

"Come on Ray I been eating health for 5 months. Just this one time."I said pleading with my eyes.

"Fine but you go in to labor, because you want to eat that shit."  Ray said shaking her head. I grabbed her chin and forcefully pulled her to me kissing her.

"I got you baby." I said.

"Finally." I heard Shay say. I looked at her with Gabby standing next to her. Gabby looked at me and shook her head. I don't know what that's about but she seemed really mad.

I opened the bag grabbing my one of the fried and finding the honey mustard. I moaned as the food fucked my taste buds. 

"Is it good?" Cali asked. I looked around, everybody left but Cali.

"Yes!" I missed Big Jerry's burgers. It was my go to after school. I laughed thinking about the first day I meet Cali. 

"So how is life in New York?" She asked taking a seat next to me on the couch. 

"Its great I love it up there." I said with a mouth full of food. 

"Oh." she said kinda sadly. It's weird that I'm sitting here talking to her. I was so mad at her and now I can careless about what happen.

"What's wrong?" I asked eating another fry.

"We miss you here Mill. I miss you and the baby . I want you back here, back with me." she said staring at me with pleading eyes. I sat the food down and wiped my fingers.

"Cali it's not that easy. I'm sorry I can't come back, everything was so wrong here. I'm happy and living good, making good money and ready for my babies to live a good and healthy life. I wouldn't mind coming back for visits and things. But it's not about me anymore. Its about my girls Cali." I said looking at her closely. 

She stood to her feet and stormed away. I cant just come back here after with down and forget about what happen. I hate that I made her mad, but my life is really doing good away from this place. Maybe one day I'll come and stay for good. But not anytime soon.

"Hey Camill." I heard someone say. I looked up from my food.

"Hi mom." I said lowly...

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