Chapter 11: A year After..

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"Wake Up Mr. Ro meave."

Zane arises from his desk with his hair a mess. Everyone of his classmates where looking at him in a weird way.

So it was all just a dream.

"Sorry for disturbing your lesson Ma'am. Please Continue." Zane bows apologetically infront of the teacher. As he sat back down. The teacher smiles at him.

"Why Thank You." She started doing equations on the board while Zane's eyes where blurry. He was about to fell asleep again. But.

"Zane. Wake up you Darn Nugget." The girl that she saw in her dream shakes him.

It was Ami.

"I told you I don't want to join your stupid Group!" Zane whispered aloud to Ami.

"What the? I wasn't even gonna ask For that! What the heck is wrong with you?" Ami whispers to him back in an angry tone.

"What's all the commotion there!?" The teacher calls out pointing her stick to Zane and Ami.

"Just a Little Arguement."

Ami replied glaring at Zane deadly.

"Tch." He ignored coldly. They where about to be scold but..

Luckily the Bell rang.

It was time for everyone to go Home.

Zane walks to his home alone.

He crosses his own school. Where he used to study. Roams around it for awhile.

Walking down the dusty halls. Touching the brick walls.

And then there was a weird knob laying on the Floor. And a Hole on the wall.

He inserts the knob to the wall.

Misteriously.. He turns the knob to the right but nothing occurs.

He goes back from where he walks. But suddenly a book fell into his head.

"Ow!" He groaned.

Zane examines the book.

"The legends of.." Zane couldn't read the words clearly because some of it where worn off or scratched.

THE EMO AND THE FANGIRL (Kawaii~chan x Zane) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now