Chapter 9: Run

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I looked through the photos of us together. We were inseparable, each other's everything, and now everything had gone to shit. I was here drinking beer and Whiskey, covered in cuts and bruises, trying to relive old memories.

Another beer, another memory erased. Fight against the painful memories that have lead you to this moment. You are stronger than this, you can't let him win.

I couldn't stand this, I needed to be strong, but I couldn't. I was too weak, he made me weak. And why was that? Because I was in love with Denis Shaforostov. 

I winced as I leant onto my bruised rib. How did I get here covered in cuts and bruises? Oh yeah, I remember. My boyfriend hit me.

When I met Jack in the pub that night with Chase, he was so charming and nice, I fell for him instantly. The next 2 weeks were amazing, he treated me like a princess, buying me things and loving me, but all that went up in flames when we argued. Turns out he was abusive and he hit me, leading me here, trying to relive old memories of me and Denis. Jack left me and headed to Australia, whilst I sat here in pain, wishing that I wasn't here, wishing that Denis would walk through that door and tell me everything was going to be okay, but that was never going to happen. 

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed some sleeping pills that the doctor had prescribed. I needed to sleep, I needed to forget everything. 

Just take one, that's all. No, I needed to be numb, I needed to not feel. I took 10 pills with my 15th beer.

Then it all went black. Black is all that I see.

Present day

"Don't you dare leave us, sweetheart, we love you and we're so sorry we weren't there for you. You need to come back to us, we need our daughter back" my mom's voice was soft, but I couldn't reply. I wanted to, but I couldn't.

"Rose, I know you don't want to hear this, but we need to prepare for the worst. You heard the doctor, she might not pull through this" my dad's Italian accent was still strong. Suddenly I heard my mom's sobs. 

"I know, but I'm just not ready to let go"

"Maybe I should call him"

Call who?

"NO, don't you dare. You heard what she said, she wants nothing to do with him" 

"He has a right to know Rose, he's her best friend. Maybe she'll wake up for him" 

Denis. They were talking about Denis. As much as I wanted him here, I didn't want him here. I didn't want him to see me like this, whatever this was.

I needed to do the thing I did best.


Again, everything went black.

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