Chapter Seven

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       "Judah, sweetheart. Come on, get up. We need to get you in bed." Judah whimpered and snuggled closer to the older man's chest. He was so warm. Judah never wanted to get up.
        "Please Judah. You still haven't taken your medicine." Judah sighed sadly and sat up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned softly. Westley smiled and stroked the boys freckled cheeks.
         "Let's get that medicine in that tummy of yours and get your cute butt in bed." Judah blushed and held onto Westley as he stood up, with Judah still in his arms. They headed up the stairs to Westley's adjoined bathroom. Westley sat Judah on the counter and rummaged through the medicine cabinet.
         "It's grape flavored. I'm sorry, but that's all I have. Here open up." Judah kept his mouth shut firmly. He hated the taste of grape {Me too Judah, me too}. He loved grapes but anything besides the fruit he absolutely hated.
         "Come on baby boy. You'll feel better after you take this. I know it taste yucky but don't you want all the icky to go away?" Judah nodded slowly and Westley smiled gently. "Than you need to open that mouth of yours, mister. Please?" Judah whimpered before opening his mouth. He grimaced as the yucky liquid touched his small tung and swallowed.
         "Good boy. I'm so proud of you. You're such a big boy." Westley whispered his praise as he stroked Judah's curls. Judah smiled as his heart swelled in pride. He was a good boy. Only for Westley. He giggled at the thought making the older man frown in confusion but left it alone. For now.

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating and that it's really short. I've just been off. My anxiety has been getting worst and yeah. I'm really sorry and I promise that I'll try harder!! Bye bye, lovely's.

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