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I woke up and looked up to see Y/N sleeping. That's probably the best view anyone could wake up to. She looked so peaceful. Even in her sleep, Y/N Y/L/N still succeeds to leave me in awe. Her beauty never really stops. Her arms were wrapped protectively around my waist and I was snuggled into my chest. My arms were also draped over her stomach and light snores escaped her parted lips. My eyes carefully scanned her facial features. They traveled from her long dark eyelashes to the light freckles that rested on her cheeks, to her perfectly sculpted nose and then finally to her mouth. I let my eyes linger a little longer on those perfect lips. I bit my lip at the thought of kissing her soft, pink lips. hell Bloody hell, Y/L/N. You're still asleep and you're already making me feel this way.

"It's rude to stare." She says in her sexy ass morning voice with a smirk already on her face. I blush and hide my face in her chest as she laughs with her raspy voice.

"I was not staring! It's called... friendly observing," I say with a small smile. She lets out another one of those sexily raspy laughs. Her eyes flutter open and she stares at me with her dark brown eyes. Yes, her brown eyes are dark. Almost black even, but I still can't help but get lost in them.

A small smile plays on her lips. "Whatever you say, Jenner," she says before kissing my forehead. "Good morning, princess." Her sexy morning voice is still there laced with her perfect accent. I almost moan at the sound. She's only talking but she still manages to turn me on. Fuck. I blush and smile back.

"Good morn-" I was cut off by her stomach grumbling. She smiles sheepishly, her cheeks instantly turning a shade of pink. I smirk at her. "Hungry, Y/N?"

She bites her lip and nods. "I'm gonna go freshen up and make breakfast. Craving anything in particular?"

"You don't have to order breakfast, Y/N. We can just go out to eat."

"That's probably a good idea. I'm too hungry to cook," She giggles slightly. "I'll probably end up eating all of the food I make." I giggle along with her before nodding my head in agreement.

"Okay, you can go use the bathroom downstairs. I can give you some of my clothes if you want?" She nods.

"That'll be great. Thanks, Kenny."

"No problem. I'll leave the clothes outside of the bathroom for you," She nods and thanks me again before leaving the room. I check my phone to see a message from Kylie.

Ky-nizzle💘 : Left early to go to a meeting. I saw you and Y/N cuddling in the spare room. Late night booty call? 😏 You guys are like so cute! Anyways, I'll be done at around 12. Text me when you read this 💓

I blush and roll my eyes. This girl, I swear.

Kendall: Piss off Kylie! It wasn't even like that! But anyways, Y/N and I are about to go out for some brunch cause it's half past 1. Are you done yet?

Ky-nizzle💘 : Ooh, going out for a brunch date? 😉 And yup just finished!

Kendall: Seriously, Kylie! Stop! She was going to make breakfast and I didn't want her to, so we decided to go out to eat instead. You can even join us because IT'S NOT A DATE.

Ky-nizzle💘 : Yeah yeah, whatever you say Kendo. I'm not going to join bc I wouldn't want to interrupt your little date


Ky-nizzle💘 : Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm at Tyga's place.

Meeting You ↠ Kendall Jenner [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now