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"Alright, fine... Call the girls over, we're going to the concert."



"Holy shit! Kenny, you look hot!" The girls wolf whistle as I make my way down the stairs. I laugh out loud for the first time in a while before complimenting them back.

"Ditto ladies," they smile brightly at me.

"Looking good for anyone in particular?" Walking out the door and into the car, I leave them with no response other than a single smirk. They look at each other before following suit. Our driver had started the engine and soon we were off. The car was filled with laughter while I'd sat back with a glass of wine already in my hands.

We arrived at the venue after a few minutes. I didn't really take part in any of the conversations that the girls were making in the car. I tried but my mind space was occupied with Y/N. Everything about her still made me go crazy as she painted my thoughts with her colours. Everything I see would make me think about her. Everything I smell would always go back to her. Everything would always go back to her and it wasn't good for me. I needed to get over her. She's happy with Kaia now and I need to do the same.

"Kenny, are you just gonna sit in there forever, or are you actually gonna come and join us?" My eyes flickered a couple of times before snapping out of my daze.

"Yeah, yeah, give me a second," I imbibed the last of my wine before stepping out of the car, only to be blinded with flashing lights.

"Kendall! Are you aware that ASAP is watching the show as well?!"

"Kendall, are you cheating on Jordan with Rocky?!"

"Bella! You're here to support your boyfriend, aren't you?!"

"Kendall, are you here for Y/N?!" My feet froze at that statement. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and my heart started to feel like it was going to beat out of my chest. Bella quickly grabs my hand and drags me inside before I could become hysterical in front of the whole media. Maybe my ears were betraying me but I couldn't be sure. She's here?

"Kenny!" Hailey snaps her fingers in my face and I shake my head slightly before looking at her. She was looking back at me worriedly  while giving me a small smile.

"Are you okay?" I look at the rest of the girls to find that they were all looking at me in the same way. I send them a small smile and nod as we made our way to the VIP section.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. J-Just a bit shocked but I'm fine, really," they don't look convinced but gave me a nod anyway.

"Alright, well, we're going backstage to talk to Abel before his show, you coming?" Bella asks and I shake my head.

"Nah, I'm good here," she looks at me skeptically and opened her mouth but a pair of arms that wrapped themselves around my waist silenced whatever she was about to say. I jumped in surprise but relaxed as soon as I saw who it was.

"Hey, Kendall," he says huskily into my ear and I smile.

"Hey, Rakim. Fancy seeing you here," I giggle a little bit while he gives me a small smile.

Meeting You ↠ Kendall Jenner [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now