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"Come back to me, Y/N. Come back home."


You awoke to soft sheets, as the morning light trickled in through the curtains. Shedding yourself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, your eyes were still shut as you soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting your brown eyes see the sun's rays. Slowly and reluctantly, you uncover your face. You blink, close your eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and temporarily blind you. You sit up, and rub your knuckles onto your eyes. You stretch your arms above your head and yawn.

Only just realising there was no trace of the brunette beauty that was once in your arms, you frown before hoisting yourself into your wheelchair and making your way into the lounge.

Silence. The living room was empty as was the kitchen, and the bathroom. You hummed, thinking about where she could've gone before you saw a note on the kitchen counter. Sighing in relief, you made your way towards the piece of paper.

Good morning, gorgeous! Hope you had a good sleep. Sorry if you woke up before I got back home, I went out to get us some breakfast. I would've made it myself but I'm not the best chef in the world. Anyways, I would've woken you up to come with me but you looked so cute and peaceful while you were sleeping that I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'll be back soon.

- Your favourite Jenner

You caught yourself smiling as soon as you'd finished reading the note. You felt your cheeks heat up over the written words and you wondered how a simple note could make you feel like this; like a million butterflies had erupted in your stomach.

Pushing those feelings to the back of your mind, you decided upon packing your bags for when Taylor comes to pick you up. Reluctantly, you started to place all of your clothes into the big duffle bag, thinking about how much you'd grown to enjoy this apartment. How much you'd grown to enjoy spending time with the beautiful supermodel and how much she had grown on you.

You didn't really understand what you were feeling for the older Jenner sister. Throughout your fourteen years of living, or technically eighteen, you know you've never felt anything like this, let alone that it would be with someone like your former best friend, someone you've only just met. Yet, somehow something inside of her draws you towards the model.

Perhaps it was the cheesy jokes that she always told. The way that she laughed as if she thought it was the funniest thing she'd said in her entire life. Or maybe even the way her smile, her beautiful beautiful smile, never failed to reach her always-sparkly brown eyes. Maybe it was the fact that she could turn your whole day around just by talking to you. You didn't know what you were feeling but you were sure that what you were feeling was real. It had to be, right?

Unless of course it was just your mind playing tricks on you.

"That's probably it," you muttered to yourself as you zipped up your last bag.

Of course it had to be your brain messing with you. There was no way you could have feelings for her when you've got your own beautiful model for yourself. Your own beautiful model that doesn't think about how much her former best friend makes her heart race at the sound of her voice.

"Get yourself together, Y/N," you murmured as you rubbed your face with your dominant hand. "She's just a friend. You're going crazy. Well-- you're talking to yourself right now, you've for sure gone crazy. Maybe you hit your head harder than you thought," you mumbled to yourself and sighed. Whether you were sighing in relief that you finally finished packing your things or sighing in despair at the thought of leaving the house was something that you didn't know either. Lately, you're whole life has been one big 'I don't know'.

Meeting You ↠ Kendall Jenner [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now