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"What?! Why are you coming with me? Y-You...I-I..." I can't even formulate a sentence. I'm shook.

"We're doing the Calvin shoot together. I'm honestly surprised that your management didn't tell you about it," she says chuckling. I'm so bewildered yet the massive smile on my face says otherwise.

"Y-You mean we get to spend more time together?" I ask excitedly and she lets out a throaty laugh. Sexiest sound ever, I swear.

"Well, only if you want to hang out with my ass," she winks before handing over our passports to the people in charge. They let us through and we board the private jet with Mark trailing behind us.

"Holy shit, this is amazing! Is it yours?" She smirks while nodding.

"Yup," she says popping the p."It was probably the second thing that I splashed my money on."

"What was the first?"

"I paid off my mum's debts and bought her a new house. We weren't exactly the richest family before I became an artist," she scratches the back of her neck before sitting down on the leather seats. Daughter goals, honesty.

"Aw, that's adorable! You actually do have a heart somewhere in there!" I joke while taking a seat across from her and she cracks a smile.

"Yeah, barely a heart but it's still there," she jokes back and we laugh.

"Oh good! You're actually on time!" Scooter says while entering the jet. Y/N laughs and shakes her head in amusement.

"Of course I am, Scoot! Did you bring my new babies?"

"Yup, right here," Scooter holds up a small bag. I assume her awards are in there. Y/N shoots up out of her seat and runs towards Scooter.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme!" I giggle at her. She was like an excited kid winning a Grammy for the first time.

Oh, wait. She was.

Y/N opens the bag and kisses each and every single Grammy. I wish those were my lips instead of the Grammys.

"Oh, Kendall! You're actually on time for once!" The sound of my manager's voice makes Y/N jump a little. I internally giggle before looking at my mum.

"Funny. Scooter said the exact same thing to Y/N!" I nod towards the dark haired girl on the floor, kissing her Grammys. She quickly gets up, blushing a little while doing so and places a hand out for my mum to shake.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Jenner. I apologise for my behaviour earlier. I promise I don't always kiss every award I win," she jokes while placing her Grammys back in the bag and my mum laughs, pulling her into a hug instead of shaking her hand.

"Oh honey, you don't have to be so formal around me! Just call me Kris!" Y/N flashes my mum one of her million dollar smiles before nodding her head. "I've heard so many great things about you! My girls never shut up about you, especially Kendall," I blush as Y/N looks at me with her dark eyes and that sexy ass smirk. Just making eye contact with her makes goosebumps appear all over my skin.

"Mum!" I say before putting my head in my hands. Y/N chuckles at our mother-daughter exchange.

"All good things, I hope?" Y/N says, trying to bring the attention off of me and I appreciate it. Mum laughs and nods her head.

"If I heard one more thing about you, I'd think you were too good to be true," Y/N lets out a loud laugh and I blush even harder. "Congratulations on tonight, by the way. You're very talented and winning that many Grammys at 17 is amazing."

Meeting You ↠ Kendall Jenner [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now