Chapter 7: Lisette

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"And you better eat while I'm gone, don't let me hear about you not doing what  your told. Oh and keep your hair trimmed, I don't want to come back and see that you're starting to look like a yeti or something." I say giving Kiro orders for while I was away.

"... Why are you doing this Lisette? I thought I told you stay out of trouble- not to cause any." He says sounding like a broken recorder.

"Nothing wrong with a little trouble, besides once I return I promise to be on my up most best behavior." I promise, leaning against their checking desk, twirling the phones wire around my fingers.

    I heard the front door open and a small ching go off as someone comes in.

"Hey I got to go; I'll call you later once I found a place to stay for the week." I say before hanging up.

    I inhale deeply and my nose wrinkles in distaste the scent of vanilla that now filled the air.

"Who are you?" ask the woman with the nasty scent of vanilla.

    I turn around and see the woman I saw with Wylde the other night. My wolf going on guard, snarling angrily in the back of my  head.

    Threat; bite, tear, maim!

    I smile at her widely and she gives me a suspicious look.

"Hiya, I'm Lisette! And you are?" I ask leaning against the counter and my waist thrusting back and forth softly as I gave her a look over.

    She wasn't even my type, she had this weird suburban vibe about her. It was actually kind of freaking me out. She looked like those weird debutants I used to see on the t.v. as a kid when ever my father was out and Kiro was able to sneak us some t.v. time. Her blonde hair up in a perfect weird looking bun that left a bump towards the middle of her scalp. She wore a peach colored pencil skirt with a matching jacket  and heels with a white  lace tank top. Nothing was out of place about her, her nails were even done.

"Lily Cole, I'm the mayors daughter of this town and I know everyone that lives here. You are definitely not from here." She states looking me over, her nose scrunching  up in distaste as she took me in. 

    I laugh.

"Just passing through, I was just having some bike problems and I was told this was the place to go for some good honest work." I lie feeling the need to mess up her outfit somehow.

"I've heard around that some young woman was snooping around. We don't like strangers around here miss, so I want you to get your business done as quickly as possible." She orders and I felt my smile turn cold at her fake sweet one.

"I didn't realize that shopping was snooping. Besides as I said before, I am having bike problems. I can only be gone as soon as the mechanic can work on it. Besides I'm sure he a lot of other work as well. So I'm not going to rush them." I inform her trying my best not to act on my wolf urging to show her who was the top bitch in this garage.

    Her eyes narrow on me, and I couldn't help but feel my joy at making her uncomfortable spread across my face.

"I'm sure I can work something out with our mechanic." She states walking past me to the entrance to the garage.

    I giggle, oh no this will not do. I may have my morals but she started it. She was... bitchy and usually I can respect bitchy but she tried to be the Alpha between the two of us.

"Oh boy does my brother have his work cut out for him. I wonder who will win, the towns Queen, the mechanic Rogue or the Wolf with fire in her eyes." Donovan humors and I wink at him.

"I got my money on the mechanic Rogue and the Wolf with fire in her eyes." I reply, hearing the sound of Lily's voice I was going to listen better when I felt Donovan giving me a look. I smile at him innocently; "What? I never said anything about playing fair." I state.

    He shakes his  head in disbelief.

"The first female lycan I meet has to be one that's competitive." He snorts and I smile wolfishly.

"I know another who maybe more you're speed." I offer and he shakes his head  no.

"No thanks." He says and I smile.

"I know a guy too." I offer up.

"Again no thanks, I'm good." He says and I frown, it was in every wolfs bone to mate at some point, whether permanently or not. Yet he didn't seem to have the urge to- like my brother.

"Hey are you okay? You didn't make a pact with a a witch or anything did you?" I asked worriedly.

    He gives me a confused look, and I chuckle nervously.

"No why would you th-"

"Never mind, sorry. Um tell Wylde I'll be back around to get the estimation." I interrupt pushing off of the counter and heading for the door. "See you later Donovan." I say opening and then closing the door behind me.

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