New Year's Day

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My life had been so different with Germany. Not only when he admitted his love to me, but when he found me in the tomato box... & when we became allies. No one messed with us (Mostly because of Germany. He protected me from all the other countries like England & France who would pick on me.)
But lately, something had changed in Germany. He was quieter... & seemed very tense. I knew he had a lot going on with other countries & nobody, not even Japan came around him anymore.
I remember it was New Years eve when it first started to really show. We were walking hand-in-hand down the streets of Venice. It was cold, but not too cold. The street lights were gently illuminating the cobblestone roads, almost warming us a bit. I looked over to Germany's lightly reddened face & smiled. "Vell...?" he smiled back.
"Well what?" I giggled in reply.
"Vell... I'm glad to see you again. I missed you quite a bit but I had been so caught up with Poland & that damn America getting in my buisness yet again. I wanted to be with you more & keep you safe it's just this war is-"
"It's alright Germany." I stopped him & kissed his soft lips. On my tip-toes, I looked up into his ocean blue eyes & stroked his burning cheeks. He looked back at me, with a pained look on his face. "Nein. I wish it was but things are getting very tough. My land could be corrupted & destroyed..."
"But Germany, that never could happen to you!"
"Italy, I'm strong. But not as strong as you think..." he was silent for a bit. Then he looked back at me. "How about ve discuss this later on & enjoy the night." Germany broke a little smile.
"Alright." he leaned down & kissed me again.
I did worry about him. Something in him, deep inside, was pulling at the seams of his soul. He hurt, but he was strong enough to cover it up. We watched the fireworks with the other countries as the 12th hour came & Germany & I sealed the final moments with a kiss.


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