Why Was He Scarred?

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Italy's POV

It's been weeks now since Japan attacked America and nothing much has happened. We would sit by the radio waiting for anything important to happen, we've listened to America's radio transmissions and nothing sounded too bad. It was like they weren't even bothering to make an attack,  which has me a little nervous. I've fought along with the allies before in the war to supposedly end all wars so I know their abilities, and they are not weak.

I sat by the radio, waiting for any sign of an activity whatsoever. Nothing; like always. Germany walked in and smiled lightly at me, his body appearing more fragile than it was before. He was scarred up...why was he scarred?

3rd Person:

Italy examined the taller man standing in the door with a hint of worry in his light brown eyes. "H-Hey Germany." he fake smiled. "Have you uh, h-heard anything yet?" Germany shook his head and sat beside the Italian. What's wrong with him? He's acting odder than normal. Germany thought to himself and wrapped a pale arm around the other. He gently placed a kiss on his cheek and shook his head. "All I know is that America has joined the Allies. Nothing more than that has happened." Italy half nodded, his eyes fixed on the German's arms. His pale, bruised, sick skin...it almost glowed in the colour of the moon. Germany coughed fiercly for a bit before excusing himself and running to the bathroom.

Italy shot up. "G-Germany??"

He darted after the taller man, who just slammed the door in his face and began coughing frantically.

Blood...he was coughing up blood.

he looked down at his hand covered in the morbid liquid, but before he could do anything about the mess, he was thrown into another fit of hacking like he was choking on nothing.

"Germany!!" Italy banged his hands on the door frantically trying to get him to open the door, but nothing would work. "L...Ludwig Beilshmidt open this door!" he commanded, now in tears. On the other side of the door, Germany's eyes widened a bit at hearing Italy calling him by his human name, and coughed a bit more, but wouldn't open the door. He wasn't going to let Italy see him like this. Sheisse...this happened so quickly. What the hell just happened? He grabbed a bundle of toliet tissue and cleaned up the blood from his face and washed his hands, coughing occasionally, but not as bloody as before. He sighed shakily and put his body weight on the marble countertop. "Italy...Li....Listen to me...I'm okay...I uhh....I've just been...a bit sick." he panted. "Go with Japan for a while and play with that cats...I'll be fine."

Italy's weak body pressed against the door, pleading to be let in. "This is not fine Germany...I'm not leaving you. So come out please."

Minutes passed. Both men sat at the door, waiting for the right words to say. Was Germany really...dying? So much of his people were dying, bombs were going off, poisonous gasses burned through the air, and the one thing that truly killed him, Hitler.

The door slowly creaked open, causing the Italian to shoot up from where he sat and grabbed on to Germany without a second of hesitation. "Oh Germany you're okay! Dammit you had me so worried!" he sobbed. After a couple I love you's and tight(er) hugs from Italy, Germany truly understood everything.

The tomato box.

That little song that would occasionally graze across his mind.

All the nights Italy would sneak into his bed at night.

He truly knew what he wanted now, and it wasn't a war for land; it was a war for Italy, for both of them. At the moment, he realized he no longer cared if he won the war against the Allies...no.

He was going to make things right for him & Italy again...

Even if it took his life.

Okay so this was a bit of a short chapter but I've been reading a lot more [I actually just finished The Book Thief.  It was amazing.] not to mention end of course tests are coming up. But anyways, I promise you guys from here I'll try to throw in some HAPPY moments. Hope you all enjoy.... I'll try to update again soon. c:


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