World Meeting

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I woke up to the bright light of morning, Germany's strong arms wrapped around me tightly, but not too tightly. Did he take me up here? I thought. Well of course he did, how else would I have gotten up here? I felt him slowly breathing, inhaling & exhaling in perfect timing. I slowly adjusted myself in his arms, gripping him a bit & sighing. But then I noticed something different about him. He has paler than usual, his arms bruised. "Oh Germany..." I whispered with tears blurring my sight. "what are they doing to you..." I huffed a bit trying to stop myself from crying. "Why must you pick a fight with big brother France..? Why are you trying to change Poland..? I don't want you to hurt Doitsu..."

At that moment, I felt him wake up with my pitiful tears on his arm. "Italy? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He began to panic a little. "Germany, your arms. Why are you bruised up like that?" I cried softly. He looked at his arms in confusion and mumbled something to himself. "Things are getting worse. That's the only explanation. I haven't done anything to get hurt." He said after a little while. "Don't worry about me though. We have a meeting today remember?" he changed the subject, pulling his neatly folded uniform out of a drawer, setting it on the end of the bed, then mine. I looked at him worryingly,  then walked over to him, taking my uniform from him & faked a smile. "Grazie, Germany."

I slipped the uniform pants on, trying to hide my worry from him. As I put on my shirt and tie, Germany walked up to me sighing. "Come on, sit down." he motioned me to the bed. "You really need to learn how to tie your tie on your own." he sighed straightening my outfit out & kissing my forehead. "Ve~Germany is so picky." I blushed leaning back & smiling. "Why can't we just stay home and take a siesta instead of going to the meeting?"

Germany rolled his eyes & picked me up to put me on my feet. "Let's go."


"...And I'm the hero!!!!" America finally stopped blabbering about how he was going to solve the world's problems, as always. England glared at him sighing "America, I don't think a superhero named Captain America is going to help us win the war..." Japan, as usual sat uncomfortably trying to say something & Russia smiled, not saying a thing. Poland was hitting on Lithuania & France & England starting yelling at each other.

As soon as me & Germany walked in, things got quiet. Very quiet, which is very unusual for meetings. They all slowly watched us sit down (accept for Russia of course. He continued smiling happily.) "Well look who's late Mr.Macho Potato!" Romano laughed obnoxiously as Germany sat down. I saw Spain lean over and say something to his ear, making him turn blood red in his face & punched him in the arm a bit. "Well we're not here to sit around in silence, so I suppose we should get this meeting started." England huffed. "Hao. Well first & foremost, I think we should discuss what's going on with you coutries fighting so much. It's bad for your health." China began. "Well it's all because Germany's pissed he couldn't beat me~ ohonhon he wants to see me crash and burn, but he's only hurting himself. Look at him~" France grinned antagonizing Germany. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was jealous."

Germany tensed up angrily then looked to the French man. "Why would I be jealous of you of any country on this planet?" he growled as he gripped the edge of the large table. "Why do you keep attacking me? Surely there's something you're wanting to gain. Otherwise,  you wouldn't bother with me, no?"

"I want to get revenge on you for what you did to me in WWI. It's quite an embarrassment to be beaten by a Blödmann like you..."

I jerked my head in Germany's direction in shock. "G-Germany. You don't mean that. Don't say such things." I joined in. "Italy, stay out of this please."

"Why can't he be a part of this conversation Allemagne? Is he not your ally? I'm suprised you have any with such an attitude. Then again, he is your lover isn't he ohonhonhon..." France pushed on harder. "Quit antagonizing you bloody frog! You're only making things worse!!" England shouted, more annoyed than before. Romano stood up angrily and looked at me as I felt tears streak down my pale face. "What does he mean by lover Feliciano?" I looked at him, ashamed and France began to laugh at us even more. "Ohh you didn't know? Him and Italia have been together, living together in the same house for the past year. I'm surprised you didn't notice." Romano's face turned from anger to pain as France continued on. "And you never thought to tell me this...? I'm your brother. You didn't tell me you were with that bastard...! Do you think that badly of me that you wouldn't tell me?! Do you know how that makes me feel Feliciano?!" He slammed his hands down on the table with his head hanging down, and he bursted into tears. "Romano...I-"

"You don't need to explain anything to me little brother...I don't want to hear it."

"I knew you'd disapprove of it. I didn't want you to be mad at me!" I cried. "Dudes!!! This isn't therapy, this is a meeting! We need to get this thing rolling!" America entered loudly. "He's right you guys. We need to work things out professionally." China commented. Just as Germany went to say something else, I ran out of the room & slammed the door. I could hear the others flooding out the door watching me. "Italy! Wait!!" Germany yelled in the distance, but I was already too far down the hall to stop now. I took a sharp turn down another hallway to one of the bathrooms & locked myself inside, just in case somebody bothered to find me.

"Why...Why... Why do I have to be so weak? How is it that I always end up the victim?" I sobbed, looking at my pitiful reflection in the mirror. I slammed my fists into the bathroom mirror and fell to the ground, surrounded by the shatters of mirror around me. "Italy!!" Germany was running down the halls, I could hear his footsteps, but I became really tired. I slumped back on the toilet & cried a little more, but quietly. He rapped at the door repeatedly before he picked the lock & busted through. He looked at me on the floor as I began to whimper in pain. He covered his mouth in tears, Romano following right behind.


Shatter [GerIta]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora