Breaking Apart

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(Holy shiznet you guys...100+ reads? I didn't realize this was that good. Grazie everyone I really appreciate it. I'll be doing the story in 3rd person for now on though to give the full details, not just Italy's point of view. I'll let you know what parts are in other characters POVs. But anyways, really... Thanks guys.)



Romano panted from running after Germany and pushed him out of the way to see his injured little brother leaning against the toilet, his arms and hands covered in blood. He took a sharp breath and covered his mouth in terror. "Feli~?" he whispered. He kneeled down the injured Italian with tears in his eyes and gently held his bloody arms up to see the severity of the wounds, then looked up at Germany. "This is all you fault." Romano growled. Germany looked back at him with a hurt look in his eyes. "You damn potato loving bastard... if you would've just let him be and never became allies with him none of this would happen!! He could've stayed with me and España!" his tears began to roll down his raged face as the other countries ran up to the bathroom. Italy groggily shook his head."R-Romano... d-don't blame thisson him.." he whimpered. "I-i followed himmaround. He treated me better than the other countries would. It's my fault 'cause I just fell in love with the colour of his eyes and he reminded me of Holy Rome. I...I love him f-frattelo..."

the other countries had flooded in behind and stared at Italy, horror-stricken. "I'll get some bandages for him. Somebody clean him up." England commanded. "Hai. I will do it." Japan bowed as he followed behind. Germany kneeled to Italy next to Romano and his eyes flooded with tears. "You'll be okay. We're here for you, ja?" he reassured. Romano shot him a cold glare as tears ran down both his and Germany's face. "You jerk...are you crying?" he said, kind of shocked. Germany wiped his face quickly and shook his head. "Nein, I'm fine." he replied awkwardly as he stroked Italy's soft face. "I love you too, Italy. You are one of the strongest countries I have ever met. You don't know how happy it makes me to see you really maturing." Germany comforted Italy, trying to hold back his tears. "Of course, shattering a mirror and getting yourself severly cut up isn't the answer."

Spain motioned Romano to come out of the bathroom and stand with him. "Mi amor, he will be okay alright? He is just a little dizzy from the blood he's lost." Spain murmured to Romano, holding his shaking hands. "I-I know that, bastard. He's mi frattelo, of course I'd know these things..." Romano snapped back. He started blushing as Spain leaned down to kiss his cheek. "I know." he smiled gently.

"We're back! Move out the way guys!" England exlamined maneuvering through the small crowd of other countries and kneeled down to Italy. Japan followed behind and wet the rags he had gotten. "My word, Italy. You really did a number on yourself." England frowned, removing the Italian's jacket and lifting up his sleeves to reveal the cuts completely. Japan gently held his arms and cleaned the cuts. "Ah-oww..." Italy whimpered more. "Gomenasai Italy. I'm trying to be as gentle as possible. The wounds are suprisingly deep though. You must have hit the mirror very hard." Japan commented as England began wrap up Italy's arms. "I apologize mon ami." France said with obvious guilt in his voice. "War really does bring out the worst in people, Italia. But what I did was quite uncalled for." He continued,  then he glared at Germany. "But this doesn't change anything between me and you, Allemagne." he smiled. "Quit antagonizing, you frog! You're idiotic remarks aren't making the situation any better!!" England yelled making Italy wince a little.

Germany looked back at France furiously. "Now is not the time for this conversation."

"Oui. I suppose your right." France leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes. "Alright, love. We're finished. Can you try to stand up?" England asked Italy gently. He nodded in response, though he didn't want to, he'd rather lie there and disappear. He felt weak and pathetic. Felicicano hesitantly clambered on to his feet and held on to Germany. "Grazie..." he said weakly. "How 'bout we just finish the meaning tomorrow guys. It's pointless to continue this now." America chimed in. "We will finish, Germany and Italia should go home and get some rest." Japan sighed, worried. England looked at him and frowned. "Perhaps you should as well Japan. It'll be alright. You all are on a team anyways, you could work things I assume, and we'll figure things out on our side." He huffed. Japan looked down and bowed. "Then I guess we'll all be going. Sayonara."

Germany held on to Italy tightly. "I think you are very strong Italy...Just remember that mein liebe."


At Japan's house:

"Germanyy Germanyy! Look who I found!" Italy cheered happily, holding up a little calico cat. "Isn't he so adorable? Look, his eyes are almost as pretty as yours!" He tightly hugged the small kitten who just meowed and purred in happiness. "Italy, come on. We have to work on our battle plan." Germany said rolling his eyes a bit, but smiling as he turned away. I saw that smile on his face. Italy thought as he ran after his tsundere. He's so cute when he does that.

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