Tension Rising

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The couple turned their heads to see Japan standing in the doorway with an angered yet satisfied look. He stood stiffly with his arms to his sides, his hands balled into fists and a small smirk upon his face. "Even though I did enjoy the sight of that, your alliance hurt the people close to me, Igirisu. I can't and will not accept that." he said plainly. England's eyes welled with tears, turning whiter than a ghost in the snow. Bloody hell...He's going to the others. This is terrible... "You can't tell anyone about this Japan, please. It wasn't us, I think France's actions were just as uncalled for as you think so, and I feel horrible for the dude." America fought back, letting go of his partner and walking over to the Japanese man. "I don't want to fight with you Japan, we're friends aren't we?"

Japan narrowed his eyes, actually looking furious. SLAP!

Japan lashed his hand across the American's face in absolute fury, tightening his lips. "This is a war, and you have done too much to me and my nation. You will pay for what you all have done, I will assure of that America-san. And you, England-san, shall get the same treatment. "

He walked back a few paces and turned his back, shutting the door behind him. America stared at the closing door in shock. He turned his head to the Brit with wide eyes and an angered look. "If it's war he wants, then he's sure as hell about to get it." he spat, walking over to England and began rubbing his back. "Dammit...I'm sorry Iggy. Consider me a part of this now."

"America don't do this, we don't need another world war. I won't allow it." England protested.

"I'm doing what I have to, okay? I'm in this now and I'm going to fight for my country."

"You're going to get yourself hurt and dammit. That'd kill me and you know it, especially knowing I let you go through with such a preposterous idea!"

America took a deep breath, trying to calm down and not yell. "England...I'm not weak and you know that. I'm just as powerful as you are. Stop being so worried about the decisions I make." He explained as calmly as possible to prevent from causing even more tension.

The British man sighed; he knew America was right. He had grown up and he was much more powerful than he thought he would be, he had shown that to him already. He let out a small sigh and a reluctant nod. "We'll discuss letting you join the Allies tomorrow morning. But we aren't discussing this anymore until then."



"Attention! There has been an attack on America's major military base Pearl Harbour this morning at around 6:47. Officials say that currently they have found at least a thousand dead and even more wounded. More to come in as we get the information."

The radio shouted as Italy sat in the den with Germany and Japan. None of them said a word; the only sound was the static sounds of the old radio in the corner of the room. "So...This means war then. World War 2." Germany said looking at the wall. "I guess so. We brought America to his knees and I know England isn't too happy about it. Our interpreters have been listening to their radio transmissions." Japan replied. Germany nodded and looked over to Italy who was gripping onto a pillow. "Italy, are you okay?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice. The Italian nodded and smiled lightly, placing a kiss on the other's cheek. "And I will pay my undying support to both of your causes.~

Veee~ we're going to be great! We should come up with a cool name like the allies did!" Japan smiled and nodded. "What about...the Axis?" Italy jumped up in his seat and turned towards Japan excitedly. "Si that sounds perfect! What do you think Germany?" he exlamined, turning to Germany for his approval. "Ja. That doesn't sound half bad." he replied, slightly excited himself. Italy let out a small giggle, hugging Germany tightly. He brought his face up closer to the others and spoke quietly and in a comforting tone. "We're going to win this Germany...and we're going to get rid of that monster that's haunting. I promise."

Oh my gosh thank you so much for the 500+ reads you all. You have no clue how much it means to me. Honestly, I had no clue this story was that good, so to that I thank you all immensely. Hope you enjoy. I should be starting a new chapter very soon.


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