Saturday, April 23, 2011

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

This is the writing of Sophie Wilkinson. I am twenty two years old and I’m from Eugene, Oregon. My address is 136 Patterson Drive, 97405. My date of birth is November 2, 1988. Whoever finds this please give it to my family or the authorities. I don’t know where I am or what has happened to me but I am in serious trouble.

This is a message to my parents Laura and Robert and my little brother Ethan. I love you all and miss you. I don’t know if I will ever see you guys again. I am writing this in case I don’t. I need you to know that I am thinking about you and that I love you. I fear you will probably not get to read this but I feel like I’m starting to lose my mind and writing to you is helping me stay calm.

Please know that I am sorry that I have disappeared. I hope you know that it was not my choice. I did not run away or get into some accident. I have been kidnapped. I have no information about who has taken me or why, but I am being held in this room and I have no idea where I am. There are no windows to look out of and I hear nothing that I can recognise. I don’t even know how I will get this diary out of here for you to read this.

I have lost track of time. I have no idea what the date is. It feels like I've been here for around three months but I can't be completely sure. I remember that it was a Sunday when I was taken but I cannot remember the exact date. Going by the dates in this diary I think it was probably Sunday, January 23. That is the reason why I have started on this page with my writing; it is three months after I was kidnapped.

My memory has become a blur and it has become almost impossible to track time. I don’t see any sunlight so I am not sure when it’s day and when it’s night. Whoever is holding me here turns the light in my room on and off periodically. I can only assume that when it is on it is daytime.

The last thing I can remember is leaving work and heading for the bus stop. I don’t know how far I got and don’t remember getting on the bus. I guess whoever took me did it somewhere along that route. I was probably drugged or knocked out. The next thing I can remember is waking up in this strange room. When I awoke I was in the bed and the room was in complete darkness.

I remember thinking that I was having some horrible nightmare and was glad to awake and be in my own bed. I then panicked of course, when I gathered my thoughts and realised that the nightmare was actually true. I jumped from the bed and stumbled through the darkness, trying to find a light switch or a door out. I found the wooden door that holds me now and I banged on it, but it is solid. There is no handle on this side and it is locked tight. I can’t see any way of getting out.

I remember thumping at the door and screaming all that first night. I kicked at the door with my bare feet and really hurt my big toe. I think I might have actually broken it because it was badly swollen for ages. It is now a little misshapen but feels a lot better.

I have come to the conclusion that I am being held somewhere with not many people around. I have done so much shouting and screaming that surely someone would have heard me by now. The walls of my room are solid brick and the floor is wooden but I am not sure about the ceiling because I can’t reach it. I don’t think there are any rooms above, but if there are then they are empty because I never hear any movement. There may be floors below me but it is pretty impossible to tell.

That’s all the information I can give about what has happened to me and where I am now. I know it’s not much at all to go on but I hope someone somehow gets to read this and comes save me. If I am dead then I am glad that you are reading this and people will know what happened to me.

Mom, Dad, Ethan I love you guys so much and I’m sorry that this has happened. Please come help me if you can but if it is too late and I am already dead then please don’t be sad. I am running out of room on the page for today’s entry but somehow I feel like I will be using many more of the pages left.

I love you guys.

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