Tuesday, May 24, 2011/Wednesday, May 25, 2011/Friday, May 27, 2011

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

                I poured some more water onto the wood around the hole again today. I can’t tell if it’s having any effect though. I have to keep trying, it’s my only chance.

                Twitch sat with me for a while. I stroked his fur. It was really soft and he seemed to like it. Contrary to what I thought about rats, Twitch seems to be really clean and healthy; cleaner than me anyway.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


-          Twenty sets of ten minute running with five minute breaks in between

-           Five sets of thirty press-ups with five minute breaks in between

-          Three sets of twenty sit ups with five minute breaks in between

I’m exhausted. Twitch watched for a while but took off because he was bored.

Friday, May 27, 2011

                Twitch saved me today. We were sitting having lunch together when four huge rats poured from the hole. I guess they were after some food. I jumped to my feet and leapt to the bed. But Twitch, he ran over and starting biting at them. He actually managed to chase them all back down the hole.

My little hero.

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