Sunday, May 15, 2011/Monday, May 16, 2011

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

                Something really terrible happened today. I must have fallen asleep on the floor after lunch. I woke to a sharp pain in my foot. When I opened my eyes I found myself surrounded by six or seven huge rats. One had bitten my foot and I was bleeding. They were all around me. One had his front legs up on my stomach and was sniffing the air. Their horrible tails were long, rigid and fleshy. I screamed my head off when I saw them and jumped to the corner of the room. One had disgusting bald patches in its grey fur. Another was so big that it looked like it could eat the other rats if it wanted to.

                I screamed and stamped my foot at them from the corner of the room. They seemed either oblivious or undaunted by my attempts to scare them away. I guess they were after the crumbs and bits of food scattered around on the floor, since my room never gets cleaned.

                After kicking my foot at them I managed to force them to scurry away back to where they came from. After they had gone I pulled the bed out and found a small hole had been gnawed through the floorboard in the corner. This is where they are getting in. I don’t have anything to cover it up. I tried the toilet pot but it is round and didn’t fit into the corner well.

                Sitting here now though, watching the hole in case they come back, I am intrigued. Where did they come from? If they can get in, is it possible for me to get out? If I could muster up the courage I should go over there and feel about inside the hole to see if I can find where it leads. Maybe later, when I am sure they’re gone.

Monday, May 16, 2011

                I don’t think the rats came back during the night. At least, I never heard anything; it’s impossible to see with the light off. I have moved my bed to the opposite side of the room so that it isn’t above where the rats come from. At least now, during the day, I have a better chance of seeing them if they come back. I think I should go over and take a closer look at the hole but I’m too scared. It could be my way out though. I really need to take a better look.


Ok, I went over to investigate. I tried to look into the hole to see if I could see any light. Nothing, but I couldn’t get a good look because of the position of the hole. I put my hand in and tried to feel about for anything. I managed to reach in passed my elbow. I could feel the boards of the ceiling of the room below. I tapped gently on them and I’m pretty sure now that I am not on the ground floor. I wonder if I could somehow widen the hole big enough for me to squeeze through. If I could do that I might be able to stomp on the ceiling and break my way into the room below. If only I still had the knife. Damn it.

                Maybe the rats will gradually widen the hole for me. I don’t know, that might take too long. I need to find a way to get out of here. I feel like I’m starting to lose my mind.

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