Sunday, May 29, 2011/Monday, May 30, 2011

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

                I saw him last night. I saw his face! Bastard! I nearly escaped. I could be home right now. Why didn’t I fight harder? DAMN IT!! I want to kill him.



                My face is swollen. I can’t see out of my left eye. I don’t have a mirror to look at it but I have felt it with my fingers and it feels pretty bad. My t-shirt is stained with blood. I was so close to getting away last night.

                Here’s what happened. I smelt that smell; that sickly sweet smell that comes right before I go unconscious. I held my breath and lay on the bed with my eyes closed, pretending to be knocked out. I must have held it for almost a minute before anything happened. As I was almost ready gasp for air I heard the door unlock and swing open. I listened as the footsteps got nearer and nearer the bed. My chested burned as it screamed at me to breathe.

When I knew he was right by the bed I burst up, gasping and shoved him. I managed to stagger him to the side and I leapt for the door.  I had almost exited the room when I felt him grasp onto my ankle. I tried kicking back at him but I couldn’t get him to let go. He pulled my leg up into the air and dropped me to the floor. I banged my head hard on the door frame as I fell.

I think I was slightly dazed, either from the blow to the head or the gas he had pumped into the room. As I lay on the floor looking to the ceiling, he came and stood over me. He was wearing a gasmask to protect him from the gas. Thinking back now it all seems like a blur. I can’t really remember exactly what he looked like. All I can remember is his crazy hair; the gasmask and the wild black hair exploding from the straps around his head.

I remember he punched me a few times in the face. I remember rolling to the side and seeing Twitch, unconscious on the floor under the bed. I wanted to scream to him to run, to get back down the hole before he sees him but I think that’s when I went unconscious; it’s the last thing I can remember. So now I’m sitting here with a huge bump on the back of my head, a swollen eye that I can’t see out of, a busted nose, a cut lip, blood and tear stains down my face, locked up in this fucking room and no Twitch.

Monday, May 30, 2011

                I’ve been holding back as best I can with what I’ve been writing. I didn’t want Mom or Dad to be reading this and to know just how scared and desperate I am. But I can’t do it anymore. I need to get out of here. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t fucking do it!! I need to go home. I want my Mom and Dad. I want to hug them. I want to hug and kiss Ethan. I want to see Julie. I want to tell everyone how much I love them and miss them.

                I want to take a hot bath and sleep in my own bed. I want mom to cook me spaghetti Bolognese and garlic bread. I want to eat loads of chocolate and I want to get drunk.

                I need someone to come and save me. I can’t get out of here and I need help!!! Someone help me. Please. Please. Please. Please. Someone please come and help me.



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