Wednesday, October 26, 2011

547 36 1

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

                Ok, I have made my decision. I’m going tonight. I was putting more water on the wood around the hole this morning and I gave a gentle pull at the board. It shocked me how flimsy and flexible it was. I am almost positive that if I give it a strong enough pull, it will rip from the floor.

                I have pushed my hand down into the hole and pressed against the ceiling of the room below and I am also pretty sure that I will be able to stomp through with my foot. I have no idea what is down there, it could be anything. I could drop through and fall straight into his lap; but I have to try. It is my only chance of getting out of here.

                My stomach is a twister of nerves every time I think about tonight, but I feel confident and hopeful. By morning I could be home with Mom and Dad and Ethan. I am so excited. This better work.

                Twitch is coming with me. How could I leave him behind? He has become my best friend and my saviour. Don’t you worry Twitch, you’re getting out too.

                I’ve decided to wait until night to make my escape. It gives me the best chance of avoiding him. I don’t know how often he comes here. I know he is here most of the day since he passes me in food regularly, but night time? Maybe he goes home at night and leaves me here locked up and alone. I could be back home and safe before he even realises.

                 I have no idea how big this building is and no idea how I will get out once I get to the room below me. I don’t have a choice, I just have to go and hope I find a way out.

                I’m going to take the diary with me. If I can at least make it to the outside then I can throw or hide it somewhere and hope someone comes across it. If he catches or kills me then at least there is a chance that someone will find this book and read what I am writing. If he does spot me trying to escape and is unable to recapture me then I am sure that he will not hesitate to kill me. I don’t know if he has a gun, but if he does then he will surely use it to stop me getting away. He can’t afford to have me get to the police and report him.

                If you are reading this now then I say to you that I don’t know which building I am being held in but I haven’t hidden this book very far from where I am. Please notify the police right away and show them exactly where you found this book. Please make sure they search every building until they find me. I am in a room that isn’t on the bottom floor and it has no windows to the outside. Please find me. If you are reading this now then that means that my escape must have failed and I am waiting for you to come save me.


The light has been out now for three hours; I have been counting the seconds. It is time to go. I have pulled the floorboard up and kicked through the ceiling to the room below. The room below is dark and I can’t tell how far I have to drop down.  I am almost sure there is no one down there because they would have reacted to me breaking through the ceiling. Twitch is with me. Please God be with me on my journey. I need you to guide me to safety.  

Sophie Wilkinson

Date of birth – November 2, 1988

16 Patterson Drive,




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