Friday, May 20, 2011

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Friday, May 20, 2011

                The rats came back today. Well, one rat did. I was sitting on the bed with my back against the wall and one came running out from under the bed. He darted back and forth around the room a bit, sniffing at the air. I think he might have smelt the bread I was eating. At first I was scared, he looked pretty disgusting. But after a minute or so I felt kind of sorry for him. He was just looking for his breakfast.

                I broke a bit of bread off and threw it towards him. Without a second thought he snatched it up and ran to the corner of the room. I watched as he quickly nibbled away at the bread. He’s actually kind of cute in a way; his smooth, silky fur and twitchy whiskers. I know, I know, it’s a disgusting rat. I don’t know what’s come over me.

                I threw him another bit of bread and he ran under the bed with it. I looked under to see but he was gone.

                Anyway I finished my food and started writing this. I’ve been thinking about school and what I’ve been missing. In case you are a stranger reading this, you should know, I was into my third year at university, studying medicine. I’m going to… was going to be a doctor, like my dad. I don’t know if I will get to do that now. I won’t get to do anything if I don’t get out of here.

                Dad, you seemed so proud when I told you I was going to study medicine. How could I not? As a kid, all you ever told me was how it was such a noble profession. You forgot to mention just how difficult it is though. Thanks for being there for me dad. I couldn’t have gotten as far as I have without your help.

                I don’t think I’ve ever told you this before but if I don’t tell you now I may never get the chance again. Do you remember when I was about ten years old? We went to Florida for summer vacation. That was probably the best holiday I ever had. Ethan was just a little kid. He probably can’t even remember it. Remember you took me down to the beach to go swimming? It was just you and me. Ethan stayed with mom back at the house. It was probably one of the last times I felt like your only child. It is such a special memory for me because back then you were my whole world.

                Something happened that day though. Do you remember? It was after we had gone swimming and played in the waves. We were lying on the hot sand; I was probably digging or building a sand castle or something. I remember you suddenly jumping to your feet and gazing out to the water. It frightened me. I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t comprehend what it was.

                “Wait here Sophie. Don’t move,” you said to me and took off running towards the ocean. I had no idea what was going on. I remember standing there on the beach, watching as you swam out through the waves. I watched as you made your way to something floating on the surface of the water, behind the breaking waves. You took this thing in your arm and began swimming back in towards the shore. Only when you were on your feet and running from the water did I realise that it was a little boy.

                I remember running down towards the water as you lay him down on the wet sand. “What’s wrong with him daddy?” I asked.

                “He’s drowned honey, I need to help him,” you said, not looking up from the lifeless boy.

                I remember watching as you checked inside his mouth and listened to his heart with your ear to his chest. That’s when his frantic mother came running over screaming. She was so hysterical that it scared me, but you stayed so calm. You pinched the boy’s nose and began blowing air in through his mouth. I remember his chest lifting as you blew in. His chest dropped again as the air expelled from his body. Again you breathed in. I stood, frightened but curious, watching as his chest rose and fell repeatedly as you breathed for him. It seemed like so long before he suddenly sputtered back to life, water gurgling from his mouth. His mother grabbed him and embraced him tightly. You just stood up and backed away. I remember people shaking your hand and patting you on the back.

                I was so proud of you that day. You saved a boy’s life. You acted when no one else did. It was that day that I realised I wanted to be a doctor, that I wanted to be like you.

I love you Dad.

DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora