Sunday, May 22, 2011/Monday, May 23, 2011

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

                The rat came back again today. To be honest, I was glad to see him. He is the closest thing to a friend I have. I tossed him more bread and he gobbled it up. I tried to get a bit closer but he got scared and ran back down the hole. I don’t feel afraid of them as I did when I first saw them.

                I have inspected the hole in the floor again today. I’m not sure if the rats are making it any wider though. I have come up with a new plan. I have decided that I’m going to use my water to try to soak the wooden floorboards around the hole. Maybe over time the wood will soften up enough for me to break it.

                He passed in a basin of water with some soap and a cloth today. It’s the first time I’ve been able to get washed in a long time. The water was warm and the soap smelt sweet and fresh. It felt so good to wash the grime from my face. The water looked pretty filthy when I was done. I didn’t wash my hair in it because the water was too dirty. My hair really needs washed though. It’s gotten really matted. I wish I could just give it a brush or something. I would feel a lot better if I could.

                I washed my feet in the basin of water last. As I was washing I noticed how rough and thick the skin has become on my soles. I guess it’s from all the walking and exercising barefoot on the wooden floor. I think it’s a good thing; if I do somehow escape from here I will need to run fast and hard over all types of ground.


                I’m eating my dinner on the floor this evening. I hope the rat comes back. I’d like to see him again. I should give him a name.

 I’ve decided to call him Twitch, because I like the way his nose and whiskers twitch when he is sniffing about.

Twitch popped his head up from the hole just now. I tried calling him out but he went back down again. Maybe a little bit of bread will tempt him up. I have placed a small piece in the centre of the room.

Twitch just took the bread and is now sitting in the middle of the room watching me. I’m going to tempt him over with another piece of bread.

He took it! He came right up to me and took the bread from my hand! Ok, so he ran away again, but it’s progress. I don’t think he is as scared of me as he was before. Maybe tomorrow he will come sit beside me when we eat. :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

                Twitch came back again. He came straight out of the hole and right over to me. I broke a bit of bread and gave it to him. He just sat there in front of me and ate. It felt so good to watch him. I’ve made a new friend.

                More exercise today. I’m able to run back and forth for over fifteen minutes now before I get too tired. I’ve started to notice my body changing. My thighs look leaner and stronger and my waist has definitely narrowed. I don’t know if it’s all the exercise or the restricted diet. A bit of both probably.

                The press-ups have had an effect too. I’ve got little biceps showing on my arms. Considering how long I’ve been locked up in here I think I’m in pretty good physical condition. My Mental state is a different matter. I think I might be starting to lose it slightly.

I sometimes catch on that I’m having full blown conversations with myself. Sometimes I talk to myself about happy things that have happened to me. I like to remember back to special occasions when I was together with my family and we were having fun; the family barbeque at Uncle Ted’s last summer where Mom slipped and fell into the swimming pool, or the day I passed my driving test and we had a little quiet party to celebrate. I need to remember these things to get me through the day. Memories of my life are all I have left.

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