Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

                I think it’s now about 5pm. I did more exercise today. In total I did ten sets of five minute running, and fifty push ups. My legs and arms are hurting now but I feel good. There isn’t much air in here so it gets warm pretty quickly. It surprises me really since the nights can be so cold.

                Last night I dreamed I was home. In my dream I woke in my bed and it was morning. I could smell the bacon frying downstairs. I got up, got dressed and went to the kitchen. Dad was sitting at the table drinking orange juice and reading the paper, Mom was standing at the cooker making breakfast and Ethan was by the countertop, furiously typing on his phone. “You and that freaking phone,” I said to him.

“Just because I have friends and you don’t,” he said, not lifting his gaze from the screen. I ruffled his thick blonde hair with my hand.

                “Morning,” I said to everyone.

                “Morning,” Dad said, from behind the newspaper.

                “Morning honey,” Mom said. “We’re having your favourite this morning, pancakes and bacon.”

                The smell of the warm food overtook me. I swear I could taste it. I ate until I was full. The bacon was crispy and delicious. The pancakes were warm and sweet. Maple syrup dribbled down my chin. As I ate I looked out through the large window into the garden. The sun shone brightly and little birds fluttered down from the trees to the grass and back up again.

                “So what have you guys got planned for today?” Mom asked.

                “Meeting Jake and Ollie in town,” Ethan said. “Sis, can you give me a ride?” he said, turning to me.

                “I tell you what E, we can go over to Julie’s and then all walk into town together.”

                “Nah, it’s ok. I’ll get a bus.”

                “But Natalie will be there. She’s going into town with us to get some new clothes,” I said, smirking at Ethan.

                “She is?” Ethan said, interested.

                “Aw, my little brother is in love,” I said.

Everyone laughed. Ethan frowned. “I am not,” and got back on his phone.

                My dream was so vivid. For a while there I was truly back home and happy.

I dreamed about Julie. You are my best friend Julie. I’ve known you since I can remember. I wish I could talk to you now. We are like the same person. I feel lucky to have ever met you. Remember when we went to summer camp? I think we were eleven or twelve years old. That was the best time I ever had.  I am laughing now as I remember the prank we played on Mr Walton, the camp leader. Remember we filled his shoes with whipped cream? That was so funny when he put his shoe on the cream squirted out over the top.

I hope I see you again, but if I don’t I want you to know that I really miss you.

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