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It was our annual adoption showcase. People from the cities come and adopt us to a new family. Some of us had names, others were renamed.

I had a name, Jeon Wonwoo. My parents disappeared without a trace when I was young. A lady brought me to this orphanage when I was 3 years old, now I'm 10. I had a new family here.

We played games, shared stories, sang songs, basically we lived in Harmony.

Families swarmed every where, couples, elderly people, younger people. This year was busier than last year.

I stood next to my friends Seungkwan and Jeonghan.

"Hey....when are we getting out of here... Jeonghan whispered.

"I really don't know....." I sighed.

"I find this girl pretty! Can i have her?!" A young boy pointed at Jeonghan.

"Im not a girl! Im a BOY!" Jeonghan snapped. He hated it when people called him a girl.

"Fine name's Seungcheol! I'll be your older brother from now on!" They shook hands and that's how Jeonghan left.

"Bye guys..." He waved.

Now it was just Seungkwan and I.
We stood still with our hands by our side.

"Hmmm......I like this kid!" A boy with fair skin popped in front of us.

"Hey! I have a name! Boo Seungkwan!" Seungkwan scoffed.

"Sorry dude...I didn't mean to be rude" The fair boy put his hands in the air, surrendering.

Seungkwan sassily crossed his arms and pouted.

"My name's Chwe Hansol Vernon, you can call me Vernon" He introduced himself. His parents walked up and spoke to our superviser. Vernon grabbed Seungkwan's hand then he left.

Again......I was left all alone.......

I stood still anticipating, i was nervous. I didn't want to leave but my friends left without me....and now I'm all alone.

"Mumma I like this boy! Can we have him!" I heard a voice squeak. I look up to see a guy in front of me, arms crossed with a smile on his face. He was taller than me.

"Im Mingyu, Kim Mingyu! From today onwards, we are going to be Brothers!" His eye smiles creased alongside his powerful grin. I shook my head, looking at the floor.

"Fine be like that, but you are mine from today onwards! We are going to be great brothers!" He placed his hand on my chin and lifted it up.

"Wonwoo, sweetie, you are adopted now.....look over there it's your new family" My supervisor placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her and she was smiling.

"O-ok..." I didn't feel like speaking, I felt hollow and empty inside. Now i had to leave the place I was comfortable in.
We left the orphanage and headed to an expensive looking car.

"Dont be scared Wonwoo, Im always here" He held my hand and walked beside me.

A smile slid across my face, I haven't felt this warm for so long.

"Ok, Wonwoo sweetie, you may get into the car, Mingyu take care of your little brother ok?" My new mother pet my hair and smiled. Her smile made me feel like I was loved, I belonged. I had heard stories where families mistreated their adopted children. My new family was different.
We arrived at a stop. I peered out the window and saw a huge mansion. It had beautiful shrubbery and a fountain. We got out of the car and a line of maids and butlers rushed outside and bowed down.

"Hello young master" Everyone bowed down to Mingyu.

"Don't call me that!" He snapped.

Am I this real....

The inside was huge and spacious. The chandeliers were hanging above us, emitting light that was so aesthetic. There was a fire place in the living room. Everything felt like a fairytale; a dream come true.

"Follow me young master" A lady approached me. I looked at my feet nervously,not knowing what to do.

"It's ok, I'll come with you" Mingyu smiled and held my hand tighter. His sweet words made me feel warm.

We went up a set of stairs and reached a door.

"This is your room" The lady bowed down and left. It was just me and Mingyu.

"Well you get your own room, but don't worry I'll pop in here every now and then so you don't feel alone" Mingyu chirped happily.

My eyes scanned the room in amazment. The books and study table, everything was so neat and tidy. My bed was fluffy and big. Compared to my room in the orphanage where everyone had bunkbeds and the place was hot and sweaty. My room was the total opposite.

I stayed in my room reading books. Mingyu wanted to run around and play games, but I didn't feel like it. I was a bookworm and curiosity was my main characteristic. The new change didn't settle down in me yet.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" One of the maids called us down. I carried my book with me and Mingyu rushed ahead.

We sat down in a huge dining table with forks and knives and expensive looking glasses. I continued reading my book until one of the chefs served our dinner.

"So Wonwoo....How old are you my dear?" My new mother asked.

"I-im 10....." I stared at my food blankly,while everyone else was eating.

"Come on, take a bite! It's delicious! Mash potatoes, steamed veggies and chicken with gravy!" Mingyu stuffed his mouth.

"Your not going to eat? Haven't you TRIED this food before?" Mingyu asked. I just shook my head.

I've never eaten or heard of these food......

"Say aaaaaaaaaa~ I'll feed you since you're too quiet" Mingyu shoved the fork into my mouth.

What is this's so mushy but so delicious. It's warm and delightful......

"How's that?" Mingyu's face lit up after I took a bite.

"I-its good..." I murmured.

"So Wonwoo, I've realised you like to read books, what were you reading on the way to the table?" My new father asked.

"H-harry P-potter..." Everyone's eyes grew when I pulled out the thick book.

"Wow! That's amazing! How could you read that much when you're only 10?!" Mingyu exclaimed.

"I dont know.....I like reading books....." I answered shyly. I looked up at my new parents and they nodded with a smile on their faces.

It was bedtime and I shoved myself under the thick blanket. It felt warm and safe but i still felt cold and empty, from being alone.

"Wonwoo...." The door opened.

"I can't sleep.....can I sleep with you....the monsters are in my room....." It was Mingyu. I felt the mattress press down. He crawled in and I turned around looking at his silhouette.

"Monsters aren't real.....they're only in stories brother....." I whispered then turned around again.

"Yes.....they......are...." Mingyu shoved his head behind my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. I felt his breath on my neck, softly snoring.

This one specific day changed my life.......




-AJ ^0^

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