Chapter 4

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(Remember guys, its Wonwoos p.o.v unless it says Mingyu's P.O.V)

My eyes jolted open as my stiff body started to function. I felt someone's arms around my waist. His soft snoring filled the silence along with his face nuzzled into my neck. My body was spooned to the shape of his large figure. I felt so warm and fuzzy. It finally came to my senses that I was sleeping with Mingyu.

He had me in a tight, foetal position (foetus position is the sleeping position thingy, I do it sometimes heheheehhee). I didn't want to get up but there was no point going back to sleep since my eyes always woke up at 5am.

I kicked the blanket off and pulled his hand off my waist. He grunted and pulled me closer. My body started heating up and so did my cheeks. I felt them flush with blood, probably making me pinker than rose.

I pushed his arms off and got off the bed. He looked so beautiful sleeping, when was the last time I got to see his snoozing face.

I took out a towel from the cupboard and rushed to the bathroom without making much noise. I turned on the tap and the hot water woke up my skin. It was one of those morning where I was craving for a steamy shower.

I got out with a towel wrapped around my waist. Expecting a sleeping Mingyu, I walked in to my room, with him staring at the window. His attention quickly came to me as soon as he heard the door open. He sat there on my bed, staring at me. A smirk widened.

Was that a good or bad thing.....

"I want to see you in a maid costume" He grinned at me weirdly.

I felt uneasy as his eyes followed me to my cupboard.

"No thanks.....I'm not interested in that...." I said as I put on my shirt.

Was he still staring or.....

"I was only kidding you know....the only person I'd want to see in that sexy outfit is my girlfriend" He scoffed.

"Unless you'd dress up like that because you like GUYS" I froze at that last phrase. My body was driven by shock and I felt a cold chill run down. I stiffened as the words repeated in my head.

'Because you like GUYS'

"You look tensed Beanie...Should I leave?" He got up and walked over to the bedroom door. I watched him as his smirk followed me. He started to get under my nerves and the same frustration from yesterday arose.

"Please leave!" I managed to yell.

He shrugged his shoulders and left like a bastard.

I don't know what he's on about, but he keeps messing with my feelings; mixed signals. One minute he tells me the most kindest and softest things, next thing he's teasing me until I burst. I'm pretty sure I'm not gay....I mean I've never done it before but.....I can't think of me having sex with a girl! I feel like I would wuss out or throw up or something will go wrong! I don't even know if I'm supposed to like girls or guys?! I'm sure I'm gay but I've never been with a guy before? How am I supposed to find my sexuality when I'm in my 17s....I'm supposed to be a sex crazed freak right? That likes to party?!?! Right?!?!


"Heyyy Wonwoo! I mean Young Master, good morning!" It was Hyejin.

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