Chapter 8

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Shit...I almost forgot about Minghao's party....How am I supposed to go in this state.......

"Hon, I'll get you something to eat yeah?" Hyejin asked.

"No...i have a party to go to...." I mumbled, knowing her answer already.

"WHAT?!" Her eyes frowned and arms crossed.

"Y-yeah...." I mumbled again.

Gosh I wish I stopped mumbling...

"NO! I want you to REST YOUNG MAN!" She pointed her finger at me. She looked like a five year old with a tantrum, it was funny watching her be angry.

Fine...i guess I'll have to use my ultimate weapon...

"Pwettyyyy Pweaassseeeeeee~" I clenched my hands together and pouted my lips in a begging manner.

She huffed and turned her head. I kept my cute act on until she finally gave up.

"Fine! Fine! But make sure to rest before you go and is it that party Mingyu was talking about?" She lifted one eyebrow in curiosity.

Why is she trynna act all cool......

"Yes it is....." I sighed.

"Im heading upstairs......see you later baby girl" I hugged her sloppily then headed upstairs.

As I walked upstairs, my stomach started to ache with each movement. How can a bruise be a size of a foot? He did kick me with all his might but damn.....

One thing I realised when i took my shirt off, was my pale milky skin; also how my ribs were slightly visible. I eat heathily i think....they were slightly there...nothing too bad...

I opened the door to find Mingyu on his phone, scrolling through something; probably social media. His eyes didn't even budge off the screen when I walked in.

Why is he always in my room....

"Where were you?" He turned his phone off and placed it on my study table.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to my closet, to find comfortable clothes to wear. There were like 2hrs left until the party started so what ever.

I quickly changed my pants and kept my shirt on, because I didn't want him to see my bruising.

"Well I was out...." I closed the wardrobe and looked at his face.

"And yeah Hyejin picked me up....." I chuckled as I just remembered her pointing her finger at me; what a 5 year old.

"You two seem close" His eye twitched slightly to a frown.

"Yeah haha she's nice" I smiled, crossing my arms.

"You into her?" He raised an eyebrow while looking all serious.

Why does he care so much about Hyejin and I.....

"Nah but she is pretty i guess..." I yawned.

I walked over to my bed and lifted the blanket up.

"Well wake me up before the party brother" I smiled at him and tucked myself in.

You better not bother me bitch.....

He sat there on the edge of my bed, probably awkwardly staring at me.

Please leave.....

Just as I was about to fall asleep, i felt the weight lift off and a set of lips kiss my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Mingyu standing in front of me, with a wide smile.

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